Coming Back Home


Bethany’s P.O.V. “Mom… I am perfectly fine,” I rolled my eyes in frustration when my mother didn’t stop inspecting my body as if someone had removed any organ from my body. “How can you say that you are alright when you have both your wrists injured, huh?” she yelled angrily at me and I smiled helplessly. “Mom,” I immediately put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her in front of me. “I am perfectly alright, mom. "I just slipped on a wet surface in the hotel, but Mr. Knight immediately provided me with the necessary medical assistance, and my wrists are now better," I explained to her the story I had to tell her. She was looking so worried and was about to cry. “Are you sure, honey?” she asked me worriedly, and I smiled. I pulled her into my embrace and felt like coming home. Her embra

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