Impossible Task


Hunter’s P.O.V. “Did you sleep well?” I asked Bethany in a low tone. “No, sir… Emma didn’t let me sleep until 2 and then woke me up around 5 in the morning,” she complained while answering me with a pout. I tightened my grip on the bed in anger. She didn’t miss me. She didn’t sleep well because of her friend, not because she missed spending time with me. “Okay,” I replied in disappointment and then signed the papers that she gave me to sign. “Is everything okay, Mr. Knight?” she asked me in a concerned tone, and I scoffed internally. “Yes, Ms. Hopkins, everything is okay,” I replied to her in a flat tone while giving her the papers. She blinked a few times before giving me a puppy eyes. “You are angry,” she remarked, and I raised my brows at her questioningly. “How can you say that I am

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