Red - 44

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Ketika Paul yang merupakan lawan dari Naomi dan Nico telah sampai di tengah lapangan, tepatnya berdiri di hadapan mereka berdua, mendadak saja Sang Mentor menyunggingkan sebuah seringaian kejam yang cukup jahat dan mulai melontarkan sebuah perkataan yang menjelaskan bahwa Nico dan Naomi kelihatan sangat akur. Sebetulnya itu bukanlah murni sebuah penjelasan, melainkan ledekan atau ejekan yang maknanya terbalik, yaitu saat ini Nico dan Naomi tidak begitu akur sehingga Paul pun berinisiatif ingin mengganggu mereka dengan menyebut bahwa mereka berdua sangat akur. Tentu saja Naomi dan Nico yang mendengar omongan itu terkaget, mereka berdua langsung saling memandang dan kembali menatap Paul yang terkekeh-kekeh di hadapan mereka. Naomi maupun Nico menunjukkan raut jengkelnya masing-masing, menunjukkan kalau mereka tidak suka dengan apa yang barusan Paul ucapkan. Itu jelas-jelas tidak menggambarkan kenyataan, karena faktanya mereka berdua sama sekali tidak akur. Dari awal dua orang itu sampai di tengah lapangan pun, mereka selalu bertengkar dan berbeda pendapat, bahkan atmosfirnya pun jadi semakin berat dari sebelum-sebelumnya. “Apa matamu bermasalah?” Nico langsung menimpali omongan Paul dengan mendengus sebal, lelaki berambut putih berkaca mata itu cukup yakin kalau dirinya bisa dan mampu untuk membungkam mulut mentornya yang kurang ajar itu. “Seharusnya sebelum kau kemari, kau perbaiki dulu penglihatanmu yang sudah rusak itu, kau tidak sepatutnya berada di sini jika dalam melihat sesuatu saja, kau masih tidak bisa melihatnya dengan jelas.” Perkataan yang Nico lontarkan cukup tajam dan pedas, tapi itu masih belum cukup untuk membuat Paul takluk ataupun terbungkam, karena sekarang seringaian dari Sang Mentor malah semakin lebar, menandakkan kalau perkataan-perkataan yang barusan Nico katakan sama sekali tidak berpengaruh. Malah sebaliknya, Paul jadi punya rentetan ejekan lain untuk diucapkan pada pasangan konyol yang ada di hadapannya ini. Itu benar-benar menarik, tidak biasanya Nico dan Naomi saling tidak akur begitu, itu membuat Paul jadi tidak sabar ingin cepat-cepat menghancurkan dan membantai mereka berdua. Bagi Paul, pasangan yang tidak bisa bekerja sama satu sama lain adalah lawan yang paling lemah dan lezat, karena biasanya lawan yang seperti itu mudah sekali tersulut emosi dan tidak pandai mencari celah dalam suatu pertarungan sehingga membuat Paul jadi semakin mudah untuk mengalahkan mereka. Keberuntungan yang menguntungkan, seharusnya dari awal begini saja pasangan-pasangan yang dilawannya, karena dengan begitu, Paul bisa dengan mudah memenangkan pertarungan-pertarungan itu. “Tenang saja, mataku baik-baik saja, yang tadi hanya sekedar sapaan saja,” Paul masih terkekeh-kekeh, tampak meremehkan mereka, bahkan ia tidak mengeluarkan kata-k********r lagi seperti sebelumnya, yang artinya, Nico dan Naomi benar-benar dianggap pasangan yang sangat lemah. “Kalau begitu, apa kalian siap?” Naomi meneguk ludahnya dan akhirnya menganggukkan kepalanya. Sementara Nico hanya memejamkan matanya dan menghembuskan napas, lalu kembali membuka kelopak matanya. Mereka berdua tampaknya sudah sangat siap untuk bertarung melawan Paul Cozelario, para penonton kegirangan menyaksikan semua peserta yang akan bertanding sudah lengkap dan berkumpul di tengah arena. Kemudian Roswel dari tiang tempat dirinya berdiri sebagai pembawa acara langsung melemparkan tiga mikrofon mungil seperti biasa kepada para peserta yang hendak bertanding dan mereka bertiga segera menangkap mikrofon-mikrofon itu lalu dipakailah di dekat mulut mereka masing-masing sehingga apa pun yang mereka katakan, kini dapat didengar oleh seluruh penonton di setiap penjuru. Paul tersenyum senang setelah mikrofonnya sudah terpasang, Nico hanya terdiam sedangkan Naomi kelihatan bersusah payah memasangkan mikrofon itu sampai beberapa menit kemudian akhirnya benda itu bisa menempel di pipi kanannya. “Bagaimana, kalian berdua sudah siap, untuk dibantai olehku, hah?” tanya Paul yang kini suaranya bisa didengar oleh semua penonton, sehingga saat suara Sang Mentor menggema, searena langsung heboh dan gaduh karena gembira pertandingannya segera dimulai. “Dibantai?” Naomi segera merespon perkataan Paul dengan mengernyitkan alis, gadis berkerudung itu benar-benar terheran-heran dengan kata-kata yang Sang Mentor ucapkan, bukankah itu terlalu kejam jika kau seenaknya mengatakan bahwa kau akan membantai seseorang dengan santainya begitu. “Saya rasa sebaiknya Anda memilih penggunaan kata lain daripada memilih kata ‘p*********n’ terhadap orang lain, karena bagi saya, itu terlalu sadis dan berlebihan.” “Kau pikir aku peduli soal pandangan orang lain, hah?” celoteh Paul dengan menaikan sebelah alisnya, menatap dan melototi Naomi. Kelihatannya Sang Mentor tidak begitu suka omongannya diprotes oleh orang lain, itu seperti penghinaan bagi dirinya dan yang lebih penting dia paling tidak suka pada orang yang sok mengguruinya seperti itu. “Naomi, kau ini dari dulu selalu saja menggurui orang lain, kau membuatku kesal, b******k!” Dan akhirnya, kata-k********r khas Paul sudah kembali terdengar, Nico dan Naomi hanya terdiam mendengarnya, mereka semua sudah terbiasa mendengar perkataan-perkataan semacam itu, begitu pula dengan para penonton, sepertinya semua orang yang menyaksikan pertandingan ini pun sudah terbiasa dengan omongan-omongan kejam dari Paul, mengingat mereka sudah menonton empat pertandingan sebelum ini. “Menggurui orang lain, Anda bilang?” Setelah menarik napas dalam-dalam, Naomi kembali menimpali perkataan Paul dengan menekan dua alisnya ke bawah, tampaknya Si Gadis Berkerudung Kuning pun tidak terima saat disebut demikian oleh Sang Mentor, karena itu terdengar cukup jahat di telinganya. “Saya bukannya menggurui orang lain, saya hanya menasehati Anda agar Anda bisa lebih bijak dalam memilih kata saat berbicara dengan orang lain! Di bagian mana dari omongan saya yang terdengar seperti sedang menggurui Anda?” “Naomi!” Kesal mendengar pertengkaran itu, Nico pun segera angkat suara dan menoleh pada pasangannya, kelihatannya Si Lelaki Berkacamata itu tidak suka melihat Si Gadis Berkerudung membuang-buang waktunya hanya untuk meladeni omongan Paul. “Kau tidak perlu membalasnya lagi, sudah kukatakan padamu, jangan mempermalukanku di sini! Biarkan saja Paul berbicara sesukanya, toh dia memang hewan liar!” “Hah?” Mendengar itu, Paul terkejut, matanya langsung membulat cukup lebar. “Kau tadi bilang apa tadi? Hewan liar? Jadi, selama ini kau menganggapku sebagai hewan liar, begitu, HAH!?” Dan akhirnya, Paul langsung marah besar, urat-urat bermunculan di sekujur tubuhnya, gigi-giginya saling bergelemetuk, dan dua tangannya terkepal kuat. Paul telah berada dalam mode p*********n. “KALIAN BERDUA AKAN KUBUAT KESAKITAN DI SINI! BERSIAPLAH! BRENGSEEEEEK!” Tiba-tiba Paul melesat begitu kencang, dan secara cepat, Sang Mentor berhasil mendapatkan Nico, dia mencekik leher Si Lelaki Berambut Putih Berkaca mata itu dengan begitu kuat sampai dijatuhkan ke tanah, sehingga badan Nico tertindih oleh tubuh mentornya tanpa sedikit pun melepaskan cekikan tersebut. Naomi yang menyaksikan kejadian itu langsung menjerit sekencang mungkin, karena tidak tahan melihat Nico dicekik sekejam itu oleh Sang Mentor, membuat seluruh penonton terkesiap mendengar jeritan Si Gadis Berkerudung. SELANJUTNYA VERSI BAHASA INGGRISNYA, TERIMA KASIH SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SAMPAI JUMPA DI BAB BERIKUTNYA------------------- When Paul, who is Naomi and Nico's opponent, arrived in the middle of the field, to be precise, stood in front of the two of them, suddenly the Mentor gave a cruel grin that was quite evil and began to utter a word explaining that Nico and Naomi looked very good together. In fact, it is not purely an explanation, but rather a mockery or ridicule that has the opposite meaning, namely that currently Nico and Naomi are not getting along so well that Paul took the initiative to disturb them by saying that they both get along very well. Of course Naomi and Nico who heard the speech were shocked, they both immediately looked at each other and looked back at Paul who was chuckling in front of them. Naomi and Nico each showed their respective annoyed expressions, showing that they didn't like what Paul had just said. That clearly doesn't represent reality, due to the fact that the two of them simply don't get along. From the start, the two of them arrived in the middle of the field, they always quarreled and had different opinions, even the atmosphere was getting heavier than before. "Is there a problem with your eye?" Nico immediately replied to Paul's conversation with a snort of annoyance, the white-haired man with the glasses and the eyes was quite sure that he could and was able to silence his mentor's insolent mouth. "Before you came here, you should have fixed your damaged eyesight first, you shouldn't be here if you just saw something, you still couldn't see it clearly." The words that Nico made were quite sharp and spicy, but they were still not enough to make Paul fall or be silenced, because now the Mentor's grin was even wider, indicating that the words Nico had just said had no effect at all. On the contrary, Paul had another bar of ridicule to say to the ridiculous couple in front of him. It's really interesting, it's not usually Nico and Naomi that don't get along like that, it makes Paul so impatient to quickly destroy and s*******r the two of them. For Paul, a partner who cannot cooperate with each other is the weakest and most delicious opponent, because usually such opponents are easily ignited by emotions and are not good at finding gaps in a fight, making it easier for Paul to beat them. Favorable luck, this should only be the pair he was fighting from the start, because then Paul could easily win those battles. "Take it easy, my eyes are fine, which was just a greeting," Paul was still chuckling, looking down on them, he didn't even say any more harsh words like before, which means, Nico and Naomi were really considered. a very weak partner. "Then, are you ready?" Naomi swallowed her saliva and finally nodded her head. Meanwhile Nico just closed his eyes and exhaled, then opened his eyelids again. They both seemed to be very ready to fight against Paul Cozelario, the audience was excited to see all the participants who were going to compete were complete and gathered in the middle of the arena. Then Roswel from the pole where he stood as the host immediately threw three tiny microphones as usual to the participants who wanted to compete and the three of them immediately caught the microphones and then put them near their respective mouths so that whatever they said, they could now. heard by audiences in every corner. Paul smiled happily after the microphone was plugged in, Nico was silent while Naomi seemed to be struggling to plug in the microphone until a few minutes later it finally stuck to her right cheek. "How, you two are ready, to be slaughtered by me, huh?" Paul asked, whose voice could now be heard by all the audience, so that when the Mentor's voice echoed, Searena was immediately excited and excited because the match was about to start. "Slaughtered?" Naomi immediately responded to Paul's words by wrinkling her eyebrows, the hooded girl was really amazed at the words that the Mentor said, isn't it too cruel to say that you would s*******r someone so casually. "I think you should prefer to use another word instead of choosing the word 's*******r' against other people, because to me, that is too sadistic and too much." "You think I care about other people's views, huh?" chattered Paul with an eyebrow raised, staring and glaring at Naomi. It seems that the Mentor doesn't really like his words being protested by other people, it's like an insult to him and more importantly he doesn't like people who self-taught him like that. “Naomi, you have always been When Paul, who is Naomi and Nico's opponent, arrived in the middle of the field, to be precise, stood in front of the two of them, suddenly the Mentor gave a cruel grin that was quite evil and began to utter a word explaining that Nico and Naomi looked very good together. In fact, it is not purely an explanation, but rather a mockery or ridicule that has the opposite meaning, namely that currently Nico and Naomi are not getting along so well that Paul took the initiative to disturb them by saying that they both get along very well. Of course Naomi and Nico who heard the speech were shocked, they both immediately looked at each other and looked back at Paul who was chuckling in front of them. Naomi and Nico each showed their respective annoyed expressions, showing that they didn't like what Paul had just said. That clearly doesn't represent reality, due to the fact that the two of them simply don't get along. From the start, the two of them arrived in the middle of the field, they always quarreled and had different opinions, even the atmosphere was getting heavier than before. "Is there a problem with your eye?" Nico immediately replied to Paul's conversation with a snort of annoyance, the white-haired man with the glasses and the eyes was quite sure that he could and was able to silence his mentor's insolent mouth. "Before you came here, you should have fixed your damaged eyesight first, you shouldn't be here if you just saw something, you still couldn't see it clearly." The words that Nico made were quite sharp and spicy, but they were still not enough to make Paul fall or be silenced, because now the Mentor's grin was even wider, indicating that the words Nico had just said had no effect at all. On the contrary, Paul had another bar of ridicule to say to the ridiculous couple in front of him. It's really interesting, it's not usually Nico and Naomi that don't get along like that, it makes Paul so impatient to quickly destroy and s*******r the two of them. For Paul, a partner who cannot cooperate with each other is the weakest and most delicious opponent, because usually such opponents are easily ignited by emotions and are not good at finding gaps in a fight, making it easier for Paul to beat them. Favorable luck, this should only be the pair he was fighting from the start, because then Paul could easily win those battles. "Take it easy, my eyes are fine, which was just a greeting," Paul was still chuckling, looking down on them, he didn't even say any more harsh words like before, which means, Nico and Naomi were really considered. a very weak partner. "Then, are you ready?" Naomi swallowed her saliva and finally nodded her head. Meanwhile Nico just closed his eyes and exhaled, then opened his eyelids again. They both seemed to be very ready to fight against Paul Cozelario, the audience was excited to see all the participants who were going to compete were complete and gathered in the middle of the arena. Then Roswel from the pole where he stood as the host immediately threw three tiny microphones as usual to the participants who wanted to compete and the three of them immediately caught the microphones and then put them near their respective mouths so that whatever they said, they could now. heard by audiences in every corner. Paul smiled happily after the microphone was plugged in, Nico was silent while Naomi seemed to be struggling to plug in the microphone until a few minutes later it finally stuck to her right cheek. "How, you two are ready, to be slaughtered by me, huh?" Paul asked, whose voice could now be heard by all the audience, so that when the Mentor's voice echoed, Searena was immediately excited and excited because the match was about to start. "Slaughtered?" Naomi immediately responded to Paul's words by wrinkling her eyebrows, the hooded girl was really amazed at the words that the Mentor said, isn't it too cruel to say that you would s*******r someone so casually. "I think you should prefer to use another word instead of choosing the word 's*******r' against other people, because to me, that is too sadistic and too much." "You think I care about other people's views, huh?" chattered Paul with an eyebrow raised, staring and glaring at Naomi. It seems that the Mentor doesn't really like his words being protested by other people, it's like an insult to him and more importantly he doesn't like people who self-taught him like that. “Naomi, you have always been
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