Flow of Life - 47

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Sungguh, Victor tidak pernah menyangka kalau pertandingan telah dimenangkan oleh kelompoknya, padahal dia yakin sekali kalau Paul lah yang bakal memenangkan pertarungannya. Apa yang terjadi? Mengapa kelompoknya bisa menang? Apakah Koko telah melakukan sesuatu terhadap Paul sehingga mereka bisa memenangkan pertandingan? Tapi apa yang dilakukan seorang lelaki cantik nan lembut kepada lelaki bringas nan galak seperti Paul Cozelario? Mau dipikir bagaimana pun, Victor tidak bisa mencernanya dengan baik, dia benar-benar kebingungan mengenai kemenangan kelompoknya sendiri. Kini, Si Bangsawan Berambut Emas yang memiliki paras tampan itu masih sedang berada di bawah atap tempat para penonton duduk menyaksikan pertandingan, dia bersembunyi di sana karena tidak tahan saat melihat gerombolan serangga mendadak keluar dari bawah tanah lapangan dan menyerbu Paul. Victor sampai membuang harga dirinya sendiri di tengah lapang dengan melakukan hal yang cukup memalukan untuk dilakukan seorang pahlawan, yakni melarikan diri dan bersembunyi di suatu tempat. Tentu saja Victor sadar kalau perilakunya ini sangat menjijikan dan tidak terpuji, mengingat dirinya adalah salah satu manusia yang terpilih menjadi seorang pahlawan. Namun, mau bagaimana pun dia menyembunyikan ketakutannya, Victor tetap tidak bisa tahan kalau itu menyangkut dengan hal-hal yang berbau serangga. Sebetulnya Victor tidak terlalu membenci serangga, dia hanya takut dan ngeri pada bentuk hewan itu yang cukup aneh, memiliki banyak kaki, mata besar-besar, dan badannya yang bulat atau pun lonjong, juga bersisik, bagi dirinya itu sangat menyeramkan. Jika ada perbandingan, Victor lebih baik diterkam oleh hewan buas seperti hiu, buaya, atau ular, dibanding dikejar-kejar gerombolan serangga. Sekarang, Victor tengah mengatur napasnya, keringatnya bercucuran, membasahi wajah, leher, baju, dan juga celananya. Jantungnya berdetak sangat kencang, bulu-bulu mungil di permukaan kulitnya berdiri serentak. Victor juga bingung mengapa ketakutannya masih belum lenyap padahal dia sadar dan tahu betul kalau pertandingan sudah berakhir, terbukti karena barusan Roswel mengeluarkan pengumuman hasil akhir, tapi anehnya dia masih merasa terancam, seolah-olah situasi masih belum aman untuk dirinya pergi ke luar. “Oke, tenang, tenang, tidak ada lagi serangga. Tidak ada lagi Paul. Tidak ada lagi pertarungan. Semuanya sudah berakhir, tenangkan dirimu, Victor. Jangan tegang, jangan khawatir, jangan takut. Semua sudah baik-baik saja. Percayalah.” Gumam Victor mencoba untuk menenangkan dirinya sendiri, agar ketegangan di seluruh tubuhnya bisa hilang. Lalu, karena tidak mau berlama-lama di pojokan seperti itu, Victor pun mengangkat kakinya untuk keluar dari sana dan berjalan-jalan ke arah lorong, mencari ruangan yang ditempati orang-orang yang telah bertanding. Victor yakin, teman-temannya yang sebelumnya sudah bertanding di lapangan pasti ditempatkan di ruangan yang sama, mereka sekarang pasti sedang bersenang-senang di sana. Victor tidak boleh membuat martabatnya semakin turun, dia harus cepat-cepat datang ke sana dan menjelaskan apa yang menimpanya tadi agar mereka semua tidak salah paham. Tentu saja yang Victor maksud adalah, insiden dirinya melarikan diri dari lapangan, dia khawatir Koko atau Paul menceritakannya pada teman-temannya yang tidak menonton dan akhirnya mereka kaget dan menertawakan kebodohan Sang Bangsawan Berambut Emas. Itu gawat, bahkan terlalu gawat. Victor tidak boleh membiarkan itu sampai terjadi, apa pun, dia harus melakukan apa pun agar tidak ada orang yang mengungkit-ungkit kejadian memalukan tadi, apalagi diselingi dengan suara tawa. Victor harus merebut kembali harga dirinya. Setelah berjalan-jalan di lorong selama beberapa menit, akhirnya dia menemukan sebuah pintu yang tepat, menandakan kalau teman-teman sesama pahlawannya yang telah bertanding, berada di dalam sana. Victor harus menyiapkan diri agar dia tidak semakin mempermalukan dirinya sendiri, tapi sebetulnya ia tidak begitu yakin, bahkan ragu mengingat perilakunya terlalu memalukan. Seorang pahlawan melarikan diri dari arena karena ketakutan pada serangga, adalah kalimat paling menjijikan dan memalukan. Menegukkan ludahnya, Victor terus-menerus menarik napasnya banyak-banyak, sebelum akhirnya dia mengangkat tangan kanannya dan mendorong pintu berdaun dua itu secara perlahan. Suara ringkihan pintu ketika engselnya tertarik, terdengar begitu jelas dan sedikit memekakan telinga. Sayup-sayup Victor mendengar suara obrolan ringan di dalam sana, dan tidak salah lagi, itu suara teman-teman sesama pahlawannya. Victor senang sekali, dia tersenyum lega dan tidak sabar ingin segera masuk dan bergabung bersama mereka, meski sebenarnya dia tidak terlalu yakin mereka semua akan langsung menyambutnya, mengingat dirinya telah melakukan suatu hal yang memalukan. “Eh? Siapa yang masuk?” Terdengarlah suara Cherry yang terkaget saat menyadari kalau pintu ruangan penyembuhan dibuka oleh seseorang secara perlahan. “H-Halo,” Victor memberanikan diri untuk mengeluarkan suara dan menyapa semua teman-temannya yang ada di sana, setelah wujudnya sudah benar-benar terlihat jelas di hadapan mereka semua. “Maaf aku terlambat, aku tadi—“ Belum selesai Victor berbicara, tiba-tiba saja semua orang yang ada di kolam air hangat mengangkat tubuhnya untuk berdiri dan langsung berlarian menyerbu Si Bangsawan Berambut Emas, satu-persatu dari mereka terlihat memeluk, mengusap-usap, dan tersedu-sedu melihat dirinya yang baru saja datang, membuat Victor jadi terheran-heran. “VICTOOOOOR! SYUKURLAH KAMU SELAMAT!” Cherry langsung melompat dan memeluk badan Victor dengan kondisi yang telanjang bulat. “Ternyata kau masih—SYUKURLAH!” Colin juga memeluk Victor dengan sangat erat, begitu juga Lizzie, Isabella, Jeddy, dan juga Abbas. Mereka semua kelihatan seperti keluarga yang terkaget dan kegirangan karena melihat salah satu anggota keluarganya yang telah lama menghilang, telah pulang ke rumah, dan itu benar-benar membuat Victor mengernyitkan alis keheranan. Sebenarnya apa yang sedang terjadi? Mengapa mereka semua melihat dirinya seakan-akan melihat orang yang telah lama mati, tiba-tiba hidup kembali? Reaksinya tidak terduga sama sekali. Saat pandangannya diluruskan, mencoba mengabaikan kebisingan dari teman-temannya, akhirnya Victor menemukan dua sosok orang yang tidak ikut mendekati dan memeluk dirinya, dan sosok-sosok itu adalah Koko dan Paul. Sang Mentor kelihatannya sedang tidak sadarkan diri karena badannya terlentang di permukaan batu sedangkan tubuh bagian bawahnya tenggelam di air hangat, sedangkan Koko, Si Lelaki Cantik berambut ungu lebat itu tampak menatap muka Victor dengan mata yang membulat dan berkaca-kaca, seolah-olah seperti gadis yang melihat pacarnya yang baru tewas, muncul kembali di hadapannya. “V-Victor… aku kira kamu sudah mati, aku tidak tahu kalau kamu ternyata masih hidup.” Kata Koko dengan suara lembutnya yang begitu menenangkan dan halus. Tentu saja Victor langsung memiringkan kepalanya, kemudian, dia meminta teman-temannnya yang sedang mendekapnya untuk menyingkir dan setelah itu, Si Bangsawan Berambut Emas itu mendatangi Koko dengan napas yang kembang kempis. “Apa maksudmu?” “Maksudku,” timpal Koko dengan sangat cepat. “Aku kira kamu juga diserang oleh serangga-serangga itu, dan tubuhmu tercerai-berai sehingga kamu sudah tidak tertolong lagi. Karena itulah aku terkejut saat kamu ternyata baik-baik saja dan bisa datang kemari.” “A-Apa?” Victor melotot tidak menyangka Koko bakal menyebarkan informasi salah seperti itu pada teman-temannya yang lain.” SELANJUTNYA VERSI BAHASA INGGRISNYA—Terima kasih sudah membaca dan sampai jumpa di chapter berikutnyaaa. Really, Victor never thought that the match had been won by his group, even though he was very sure that Paul would win the battle. What happened? Why did the group win? Has Koko done something to Paul so they can win the match? But what did a beautiful, gentle man do to a fierce man like Paul Cozelario? No matter how you think about it, Victor couldn't digest it properly, he was really confused about the victory of his own group. Now, the golden-haired nobleman who has a handsome face is still under the roof where the audience sits watching the match, he is hiding there because he can't bear to see the swarm of insects suddenly come out of the underground field and attack Paul. Victor threw away his pride in the middle of the field by doing something embarrassing enough for a hero to do, namely to run away and hide somewhere. Of course, Victor realizes that his behavior is disgusting and not praiseworthy, considering that he is one of the humans chosen to be a hero. However, no matter how he hides his fear, Victor still can't stand it when it comes to things that smell like insects. Actually, Victor does not really hate insects, he is just afraid and terrified of the animal's strange shape, has many legs, big eyes, and a round or oval body, also scaly, for him it is very scary. If there is a comparison, it is better for Victor to be pounced on by wild animals such as sharks, crocodiles or snakes, rather than being chased by swarms of insects. Now, Victor is catching his breath, his sweat is pouring out, wetting his face, neck, clothes and pants. His heart was beating very fast, the tiny hairs on the surface of his skin stood up in unison. Victor is also confused about why his fear is still not gone even though he is aware and knows very well that the match is over, proven because Roswel just announced the final result, but strangely he still feels threatened, as if the situation is still not safe for him to go outside. “Okay, calm down, calm down, no more insects. No more Paul. No more fighting. It's all over, calm yourself, Victor. Don't be nervous, don't worry, don't be afraid. Everything is fine. Trust me. " Muttered Victor trying to calm himself, so that the tension in his whole body can be relieved. Then, not wanting to linger in a corner like that, Victor raised his feet to get out of there and walked down the hallway, looking for the room occupied by the people who had competed. Victor sure, his friends who have previously competed on the field must be placed in the same room, they must now be having fun there. Victor can't make his dignity even lower, he has to hurry over there and explain what happened to him so that they all don't get it wrong. Of course what Victor meant was, the incident of him running away from the field, he was worried that Koko or Paul would tell his friends who weren't watching, and finally they were shocked and laughed at the Nobility with the Golden Hair. That's bad, too bad in fact. Victor can't let that happen, whatever, he has to do whatever it takes so that no one brings up the embarrassing incident, let alone laughter. Victor must reclaim his pride. After strolling the hallway for a few minutes, he finally found the right door, indicating that his fellow heroes who had fought, were in there. Victor must prepare himself so that he does not embarrass himself more, but actually he is not so sure, even hesitant considering his behavior is too embarrassing. A hero running away from the arena in fear of insects, is the most disgusting and embarrassing sentence. Gurgling his saliva, Victor continued to take a deep breath, before finally he raised his right hand and pushed the double-leaf door slowly. The brittle sound of the door when the hinges are pulled, sounds so clear and a little deafening. Victor could faintly hear the sound of small talk in there, and it was unmistakably the voices of his fellow heroes. Victor was very happy, he smiled with relief and couldn't wait to come in and join them, even though he wasn't really sure they would all greet him right away, considering he had done something embarrassing. "Eh? Who entered? " There was Cherry's voice who was shocked when she realized that the door to the healing room was slowly opened by someone. " H-Hello, ”Victor ventured to make a voice and greeted all his friends who were there, after his form was clearly visible in front of them all. "Sorry I'm late, I was -" Not finished Victor talking, suddenly everyone in the warm water pool raised his body to his feet and immediately rushed towards the Golden-Haired Noble, one by one of them looked hugging, rubbing. , and burst into tears at the sight of himself who had just arrived, making Victor's baffled. “VICTOOOOOR! THANK YOU YOU HAPPY! " Cherry immediately jumped and hugged Victor's body in a completely naked condition. "It turns out you are still — THANK YOU!" Colin also hugged Victor very tightly, as did Lizzie, Isabella, Jeddy, and Abbas. They all looked like a family that was shocked and excited to see that one of their long-lost family members had returned home, and it really made Victor wrinkle his eyebrows in surprise. What was going on, actually? Why did they all look at him as if they saw someone who was long dead, suddenly come back to life? Her reaction was completely unexpected. When his gaze straightened, trying to ignore the noise from his friends, Victor finally found two figures who did not come close and hugged him, and those figures were Koko and Paul. The Mentor seems to be unconscious because his body is stretched out on a rock surface while his lower body is drowning in warm water, while Koko, the beautiful man with thick purple hair, looks at Victor's face with rounded and teary eyes, as if he is a girl. who saw his girlfriend who had just died, reappeared before him. "V-Victor ... I thought you were dead, I didn't know that you were still alive." Koko said in her soft voice that was so calming and smooth. Of course, Victor immediately tilted his head, then, he asked his friends who were holding him to step aside and after that, the golden haired nobleman came to Koko with a breath that was falling and falling. "What do you mean?" "I mean," said Koko very quickly. “I thought you were also attacked by those insects, and your body was so scattered that you were no longer helped. That's why I was surprised when you turned out to be OK and came here. " "W-What?" Victor glares, not expecting Koko to spread such misinformation to his other friends.
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