Ch 2-1 The Angry Mob (1)

1069 Kata
Milena looked at the pair of butterflies flying in the air. She sat on a big stone by the river, quite a distance from the village, so she didn't have to meet the annoying fairies who were busy collecting drifting fruit. "You must be happy. Trust each other. It's beautiful." She said unconsciously. "Gosh! What did I say?" Milena grabbed the nearest small stone and threw at the pair of butterflies. Dusk began to greet, she felt very bored. The events in the village were no longer interesting to her, even though she had laughed out loud when she saw they were all panicking so badly that some of them bumped into each other. Milena was pensive alone by the river. The days are really boring. Bothering some people is no longer fun. Alfred, her little friend is also busy with his team. Milena is a solitary fey, well, most people declare that status to her. So no wonder she has no acquaintances other than Alfred. Milena is one of the descendants of a legendary fairy in her world. Many hope that one day she would become a fairy like her ancestors, she does not like that hope. Being a fairy like her ancestor meant she had a lot to learn, reading sky-high books, studying magic and other troublesome things. Her desire is only one and simple: wanting to be free to fly anywhere and doing whatever she likes. That's enough. The over-expectations placed on her shouldres irritated her and acted the way she is now—nosy and annoying. Everything around her made this fey easily angry, so the other fairies nicknamed her the Grumpy Fairy. She didn't mind getting nicknames, after all, they were the ones she pissed off all day. "Are you here?" Alfred appeared from behind a large leaf, he smiled at Milena who looked beautiful in the moonlight. "Oh, Alfred. You're not with your gang?" she quipped fiercely. Alfred laughed. "What gang do you mean? If you mean The Rose Team, you can join us." "Are you crazy? They clearly hate me." Milena made a strange facial movement, "and I don't like them, yuck!" she continued, this time pretended to vomit. "They don't hate you." I think you guys just need to get to know each other." Alfred sat beside Milena whose expression was erratic. "Yeah. Know each other? Me? Seriously." Milena snorted in disbelief. "You can start by greeting them every morning." "And think that I have evil plans for them?" the roar is fierce. Alfred laughed. Apparently the stigma of bad temper was also realized by herself. "Milena." He said anxiously. "Yes?" "Is it true that you caused the mess this afternoon?" he glanced at Milena slowly. "You think so too?" Milena just laughed. "Did you really do it?" Alfred looked shocked, his voice rising an octave. Milena looked even more surprised, her brows furrowed, feeling offended. Milena smirked and said in a teasing tone, "You like my work, huh? They all made a mess of it!" "Milena!" snapped Alfred subconsciously. Milena looked surprised, this was the first time she saw her friend that angry. Does he also think that she did that? How ridiculous! "You snapped at me?" Milena blinked in disbelief. "You? You just snapped at me?" she continued, snorting in disappointment. "No, it's not like that. I didn't mean—" Alfred was confused by Milena's response, it was true that this was the first time he had spoken to her in such a tone, but he didn't expect Milena to look so disappointed in him.  "Fine! I confess! I did it!" Milena's voice sharpened, "I guess that's what troublemakers do, right? Anything bad that happens will lead to troublemakers!" Milena flew up from her seat and flew away leaving Alfred who didn't know what to do. "Milena! Wait! Where are you going? Damn it!" Alfred stood up, stomped and tried to catch up to Milena who was quite far in front of him. Milena didn't care about Alfred's screams behind her, they were like the wind, empty and meaningless. She flew into a sharp dive through the dry branches of a tree and then shot up, circling for a moment and speeding away from Alfred. "No! No! Milena! Don't go to the main road! Damn it! It's the night time again!" Alfred panicked and started racing his wings beyond his ability, adrenaline pumping him to push his wings even more. The main road was now dangerous, even though there was no official warning from the kingdom, but it was very dangerous for a fairy to wander on the main road at night like this. "Milena!" shouted Alfred and he grabbed Milena's wrists so fast, they were spinning in the air. "What are you doing?" Milena growled, she stroked her sore wrist. Looking at him angrily and annoyed. "Right now the main road is more dangerous than usual." Alfred said. "What do you mean more dangerous?" Milena's forehead rose, curious. "Well, I heard there's a dark witch pacing around here. She's very dangerous, so stop traveling alone for now. Ok?" Alfred pleaded. "Dark witch?" Milena laughed. "What are you talking about? What kind of rumor is that? There's never been a warning from the royal side, really!" Milena stuck out her tongue. "But still," Alfred flew over to Milena, staring at her lovingly, "You can't travel alone. I also know that there has been no official warning from the royal side. Being alert isn't wrong, is it?" he grabbed Milena's hand. "None of my business!" she let go of Alfred's hand, sometimes the attention given by that male fey made her uncomfortable. "Stop being stubborn!" he scolded. "Come with me, I will introduce you to my friends. I'm sure they will know you and begin to understand you little by little." Alfred stretched out his right hand, but Milena just looked at him with a frown on her face. "I'm not interested. Thank you." She said casually as she folded arms across her chest. "What's the harm in trying? Come on!" Alfred insisted impatiently. He flew back toward Milena. This time he blocked her path, Milena frowned in displeasure, she tried to fly to the right, again blocked by Alfred, to the left as well. They had been acting silly like that for a long time until Milena finally gave in and turned her back on Alfred, flying away. 
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