Story By Misty


26 years old. I live for my fur babies. Weston is my dog, Abby is my cat and Marbles is my bunny. I read in my free time and love to write. I\'m the typical girl next door and a hopless romantic.
Born to be Alpha
Updated at Jan 5, 2022, 09:53
It is my blood right to be Alpha of my pack. My name is Kaylee Elenor Selinto, and I am the only blood heir of the White Mountains Pack. Pack law states that a Alpha heir is to take control of the pack on the first full moon after their 21st birthday, but I am being denied this right. My family has ruled as Alpha family of our pack for over 150 years, but I am the first female to be born with the blood right. With no brothers to step up as Alpha in my place, I have only two options. The council has decided that if I don't find my mate before my 21st birthday then I will have to relinquish my family's right as Alpha to the wolf that proves to be the strongest of our pack. Now my family's legacy and future rests on my ability to find my mate so that I can take the role of Luna while he takes my rightful place as Alpha. I have 3 months to find my life's mate or disgrace my ancestors by losing the title we have held for generations.