Story By Hisame


We are all passing by... \'Might as well make it worth the walk
Ashes of Lily
Updated at Mar 12, 2021, 14:14
" Do not lay a hand on me!", she tried to steady herself but failed miserably and fell on her knees before the guards could tie her to the pyre. Sneakers and not-so-hushed whispers about her downfall came flooding from every direction. Yet, none were as soul-crushing as the cold look she received from the people seated at the podium awaiting her end with impatience. She bit her lip till it bled and looked them n the eye one by one, but settled on the one who she trusted and served. She looked at the Grand Paladin with scorching hatred and uttered, " I served you day and night, I sacrificed everything for you. I curse you, lowly man! I curse everyone who did me wrong! My spilled blood will burn your souls in the abyss and I shall watch!" She tilted her head up as a gush of wind blew. Closing her eyes and breathing her last breath, she spoke the words no one she still capable of, "Burn, Lily" Fire broke out of nothingness and shrieks came from every direction except the pyre where she burnt.
The Bestowed Mate
Updated at Jan 1, 2021, 15:00
Of all the types of females parading the world, why did I have to have that one? I am no ordinary creature of no ordinary disposition. Just why her? I never asked for this and never would have. I went through this enough times ... I do not have it in me anymore. "Mate..." whimpered Orien for the first time in so long while both Vasilios and Tyrone manifested but remained quiet. She is messing up everything I worked- WE worked to put together... Just why again? " Aziah?" upon hearing my name I am out of my head. I look at my sire, the only one who is capable of seeing through me with a mere glance. "Which one?" he said scanning the room. Damn it, he knew. "The one with glasses taking notes" I indicate and wait. He looks at her for a few seconds and tilts his head. " Do not do it" he says looking back at me with an expression I do not understand. he then smiles at me and says, "She is different".
A Weeping Paladin
Updated at Jul 21, 2020, 21:46
"If only I knew from the beginning..." Some secrets are better off kept hidden and some people are better off left unbothered. Hard as it is, he just wanted to belong somewhere...anywhere. But alas, the world is unfair and humans are crueler than ever.