Story By Charlotte E. English

Charlotte E. English

Dancing and Disaster
Updated at Mar 10, 2022, 23:31
Rumour’s got a lot to say for itself, and the message is clear: the regulator’s ready. You know. The magickal regulator. The bright and shiny thing with which we, Team Improbable, propose to restore magick to a fading Britain. Somebody’s got to test it, and that somebody is us. Which means wading into the depths of a long-dead realm that nobody’s entered in centuries. And I may have had some practice at that, but this time it’s different. This time, somebody’s still home. And they really aren’t happy about trespassers. Looks like disaster’s on the agenda. Again. Not to worry, though. Where there’s life, there’s hope. And… dancing. Ves and Jay return in a fresh bout of magickal madness! Grab your dancing shoes and hang onto your hat. It’s going to be wild.
Wyrde and Wild
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 05:35
Charlotte E. English brings her trademark quirky humour to another mad Regency romp — with the strangest family in England… 'I don't know quite how it has come about, but we appear to have developed a corpse.' It’s winter at the Werth residence, and someone has turned up dead. Not that this is unusual. There’s Great-Aunt Honoria on the premises, after all. Only this corpse is freshly dead, and nobody knows how the lady came to be leaking blood all over Lady Werth's best parlour. The disastrous Miss Gussie confesses herself delighted, for nothing enlivens a dull week in February like a mysterious murder. And the culprit really ought to be discovered, for the circumstances suggest Lord Bedgberry might have had something to do with it… With what passes for Theo's life on the line, and good carpets in need of preservation, the situation is dire. But can any mere murderer hold their own against the ruthless House of Werth? The dark and devious Werths return for another crazy caper, this time with homicide! More dead bodies (ambulatory); more severed heads (talkative); and more wit and mischief (abundant). It's time to find out what Gussie did next…   Don't miss the previous adventures of Werth, in: Wyrde and Wayward Wyrde and Wicked
The Wonder Tales
Updated at Jun 3, 2021, 23:54
Three enchanting fairytales from a writer of extraordinary imagination. Charlotte E. English’s Wonder Tales will sweep you far, far away... Faerie Fruit: The centuries-barren orchards of Berrie-on-the-Wyn suddenly bear fruit — and it’s clear that something fey’s afoot. Who is the motley piper walking the streets, drawing forth magic and mayhem with his music? And how can half of the town vanish into thin air? Gloaming: In Vale Argantel, an enchanted twilight sweeps over the land at precisely four o’clock. Such is the way of things. But when Oriane falls through a magic mirror and disappears, something odder still is on the rise. For she’s gone to a place very like Argantel — eerily familiar, yet strangely different; a place which follows none of the usual rules… Sands and Starlight: An old sorcerer travels the starlight bazaars: cursed and magic-blighted, he has glass where his heart should be. To mend it, he must journey back into his own shadowed past — to the lost and wandering palace of ensorcelled glass, glimpsed only under the stars, and vanishing with the dawn... “Large helpings of wit and whimsy... Readers who enjoy the old-fashioned language of classic fairy tales will be pleased with this one. ” -Publishers Weekly on Faerie Fruit​ “Her faultless prose by turns ascends with the lark, leads you down secret paths like the willow-the-wisp, bewitches you into bewilderment, and sparkles with eye-bedazzling wonder...” - NYT Bestselling author Mercedes Lackey on Gloaming
Updated at Mar 30, 2021, 00:20
Once upon a chime... Every day at four o’ clock, an enchanted twilight sweeps over Vale Argantel. Strange things happen under its eldritch influence: mists boil up out of the ground, rain pours out of a cloudless sky, and the roses grow wild and fey. Such is the way of things. But when her friend falls through a magic mirror and disappears, Margot realises something’s changed. An ancient enchantment has gone awry, and chaos quickly spreads. Magic-drunk, confused and hampered at every turn, Margot must find a way to reclaim Oriane — and before anybody else disappears. But for Oriane, things are stranger still. Lost in a topsy-turvy world, how can she ever find her way home? For she’s adrift in a place very like Argantel — eerily familiar, yet strangely different; a place which follows none of the usual rules… Praise for Gloaming: "One part Eleanor Farjeon, one part Lord Dunsany, one part Vera Chapman, but mostly her unique self, Charlotte English is the first new (to me) writer to make me excited in a long, long time. Her faultless prose by turns ascends with the lark, leads you down secret paths like the willow-the-wisp, bewitches you into bewilderment, and sparkles with eye-bedazzling wonder, taking you at last to an enchanted ending that leaves you as drunk on words as her protagonists on ensorceled rose-wine. Please, milady, more!" - Mercedes Lackey
Music and Misadventure
Updated at Mar 24, 2021, 19:51
“Fun” for all the family... I haven't heard from my mother in six years — which is why I was surprised to receive a summons from her. The peremptory kind. With nothing but a set of map co-ordinates to guide me, what exactly was I to expect? The short answer? Trouble, for Mother Dearest is in rather a lot of it. And like daughter, like mother, for there’s a shiny artefact in the offing, and only a few gigantic lindworms in the way. Who isn’t up for a minor little challenge like that? It's off to Faerie with us, for the artefact in question was once the property of the legendary King Evelaern; and who doesn't love a nice bit of ancient royal treasure? Only as it turns out, the declining kingdom of the Yllanfalen may hold some unexpected truths about my past...
Updated at Mar 24, 2021, 02:36
Konrad Savast is the Malykant: the most secret servant of the God of Death. His job? To track down the foulest of murderers and bring them to The Malykt's Justice. No mercy. No quarter. Konrad may be finished with the coven at Divoro — but are they finished with him? Outside the gates of Ekamet, a new ice-palace has arisen, its grisly contents aimed squarely at the Malykant. Its message is clear: interference with the necromancers’ aims will not be tolerated. Forced to return to Divoro, Konrad does so with trepidation — for murderers tend to run away from the Malykant, not towards. What dark purpose does the coven have in mind, and is he walking straight into a trap?  Konrad Savast solves his eighth case in this new installment of The Malykant Mysteries, the dark fantasy series from the author of Modern Magick.
The Heart of Hyndorin
Updated at Mar 8, 2021, 23:17
Stranded far from home, and unable to return, I am in bigger trouble than ever. I know I say that a lot, but this time it's really true. Not that there aren’t advantages to my particular predicament. If one must put up with a dangerous degree of magickal potency, one is duty-bound to… put it to use, no? Who knows what could happen? Certainly nothing insane, irresponsible and potentially life-threatening. As if. But we'll need every possible advantage in the Hyndorin Mountains. For there, hidden behind layers of secrets, could be the answers we are looking for. Answers, questions, and dangers — and the kind of disobliging foe who just won’t stop coming back. Aided by the serene Emellana (still enigmatic), the delicious Baron (still charming), and the animal-loving Miranda (still irascible), can Jay and I find the way to save modern magick?
Hell and High Water
Updated at Dec 9, 2020, 01:05
Meet the baddest belles of London city. They were known as the fatales, once. Investigators and spies; killers and thieves; con artists and vigilantes — they fought fire with fire, did what had to be done, to make things right. Until the mission that broke them. Many decades later, the fatales have scattered to the winds. Fionn's the queen of London haute couture. Thetai's the star of the power metal scene. And Daix? Could be anything. Anywhere. It'll take a lot to bring them back together. When a model goes missing from a catwalk show, Fionn's frantic. The girl was a friend — and a fellow selkie. And she won't be the last to vanish. To catch the monster responsible, Fionn needs backup. It's time for the fatales to reunite, but can they get it together after eighty years apart? And will it be enough to face down an old enemy straight out of their murky, half-forgotten past? Three fabulous fae banter and brawl their way through a re-imagined, modern-day London — fighting crime, forging friendships and causing havoc. With style. Perfectly tailored for fans of urban fantasy and Charlie’s Angels! Tai was still swimming like a brick. ‘Don’t fight with the water,’ I told her. ‘Try to go with the flow.’ Tai snorted. ‘Fi, please. I fight with everything.’
The Wonders of Vale
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
We’re all mad here... Dispatched overseas — far, far overseas — we're in hot water. Again. Following in the footsteps of a long-lost king, we're on the road to the mysterious Vales of Wonder. The upside? It's a hot-bed of magickal marvels, the likes of which we've literally never seen before. The downside? Danger. Because who ever said adventure would be easy? Fortunately, we have help. One reviled but aggravatingly handy beast specialist: check. One world-famous, awe-inspiring, purple-clad troll scholar: check. One perambulatory, half-mad house with a crush on Jay: check. Not to mention a magickal pup, an even more magickal unicorn, a talking book, a jewelled scroll-case map, a magic Wand, an ethereal faerie lyre, and an excitingly untested tool from the Society’s own hermit genius. With an arsenal like that, the mission can only be an unqualified success. Right...?
The Striding Spire
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
Fresh from an involuntary crash course in the Stranger Arts, I've a new mystery on my plate: the inexplicable reappearance of a particularly fantastic magickal species. Which is great, don't get me wrong. Rescuing magickal beasts is what we do around here. But the Dappledok Pup hasn't been seen since the seventeen hundreds; so how did we find one, alive and kicking, over two hundred years later? And this beast has a talent for sniffing out treasure, no less. Happenstance? Maybe not. Is there something sinister afoot? And what does any of this have to do with an unusually perambulatory tower? Aided by a talking book, a spriggan with a taste for vintage fashion and the best Waymaster in the business, nothing can stop me from finding out the truth. Can it?
Toil and Trouble
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
As an agent of the Society for Magickal Heritage, I, Cordelia Vesper, have an important job: rescue endangered creatures, artefacts, books and spells wherever they are to be found. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to keep British magick alive. So we rescued a valuable book from a long-lost library, only it proved to be unusually... chatty. And it's got a foul mouth, too. What manner of weird magick is this? Somebody else thinks it's pretty interesting, too. Ancestria Magicka, they call themselves. Brand new. Big trouble. But why are they so interested in the book's creator? The woman died six hundred years ago. It's grave-robbers, necromancers and thieves all the way, and when things get that kind of crazy, there's only one thing to do. Call in the Toil and Trouble department.
The Corpse Thieves
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
Konrad Savast is the Malykant: foremost and most secret servant of the God of Death. His job? To track down the foulest of murderers and bring them to The Malykt's Justice. No mercy. No quarter. Danil Dubin is a murderer. He knows this because he's been told — by the many witnesses to his crime. Only, he has no memory of it himself. It's part of a spate of similar killings, and Konrad must act. But how can he deliver The Malykt's justice to a man with no reason to kill, and no knowledge of his crime?
The House at Divoro
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
Konrad Savast is the Malykant: foremost and most secret servant of the God of Death. His job? To track down the foulest of murderers and bring them to The Malykt’s Justice. No mercy. No quarter. When Nanda shows up with a pressing invitation to a post-Solstice house party, Konrad is unenthusiastic. Eino Holt, their host, might have a taste for theatricals, but Konrad emphatically does not. But then a corpse turns up, mutilated and hidden in a pantry cupboard. Konrad soon learns that the house at Divoro harbours many a dark secret… Dark fantasy meets classic murder mystery in this seventh installment of Charlotte E. English's Malykant Mysteries.
Death's Avenger
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
To catch a killer, send a monster... But what if a monster isn’t enough? Shadows gather, winter deepens, and Assevan falls farther into the dark. Pitted against monsters and men, Konrad faces deeper challenges. Darker foes. Some can rival even the Malykant’s power. Pushed beyond his endurance, challenged beyond his sanity, at long last Death’s Avenger might need a little help... Konrad Savast returns for another chilling set of adventures in the second volume of the Malykant Mysteries.
The Spirit of Solstice
Updated at May 21, 2020, 01:42
Konrad Savast is the Malykant: foremost and most secret servant of the God of Death. His job? To track down the foulest of murderers and bring them to The Malykt's Justice. No mercy. No quarter. Solstice Eve, and Konrad is dragged from his bed to investigate the murder of a local wine merchant. The man's as dead as they come, but his spirit seems oddly unperturbed by his passing. More victims are swift to emerge, all killed in the same brutal style — and all with strange, unheard-of reactions to the news of their own demise. Is it just the Solstice spirit, or is there something else afoot? Something stranger, darker and far more dangerous…
The Malykant Mysteries
Updated at Apr 27, 2020, 19:41
To catch a killer, send a monster. There's a realm. Wreathed in ice and snow, drowning in the dark, Assevan needs a different kind of hero. There's a god. Merciless and cold, and quick to anger, the Lord of the Dead insists upon one thing only: vengeance for a murdered soul. And there's a man. A ruthless killer, Konrad is detective, judge and executioner in one. Dauntless, relentless, monstrous, he stands alone against the dark. Meet the Malykant. Justice will be served.  For the first time, all twelve Konrad Savast murder mysteries are collected in one volume! This gigantic compendium includes: DEATH'S DETECTIVE: The Rostikov Legacy, The Ivanov Diamond, Myrrolen’s Ghost Circus and Ghostspeaker DEATH'S AVENGER: The Corpse Thieves, The Spirit of Solstice, The House at Divoro and Snowbound  DEATH'S EXECUTIONER: The Zolin Conspiracy, The Tarasov Despite, The Malefic Curse and Shandral  Dive deep into Konrad's icy world. Binge the whole series in one volume. 
Death's Detective
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
To catch a villain, send a monster. There's a realm. Wreathed in ice and snow, drowning in the dark, Assevan needs a different kind of hero. There's a god. Merciless and cold, and quick to anger, the Lord of the Dead insists upon one thing only: vengeance for a murdered soul. And there's a man. A ruthless killer, Konrad is detective, judge and executioner in one. Dauntless, relentless, monstrous, he stands alone against the dark. Meet the Malykant. Justice will be served. Four cases. Four killers. Four executions. Dark fantasy and murder mystery collide in this first collection of the Malykant Mysteries.  
The Draykon Series Books 1-3
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Ancient legends don’t come back to life. Until they do... The vast, winged draykoni once ruled the skies of the Seven Realms, uncontested and unstoppable — so the stories say. But they are only tales. Aren't they? A shy young woman is about to learn that sometimes, even the most far-fetched story might prove to be the plain, simple truth. In book one, Draykon: When Llandry Sanfaer discovers a new type of jewel, her life changes forever. Wonderful and terrible, the gem exerts a strange influence over those who behold it. Soon people are dying for it — and Llandry herself becomes a target. This is only the beginning. In book two, Lokant: the long-vanished draykoni race have returned, but with them comes another mystery. Who are the enigmatic, white-haired sorcerers stalking the draykoni across the Worlds? And what do they want with Llandry? As war builds between humankind and draykoni, Lady Evastany must uncover the truth about her own unique heritage — before it’s too late. In book three, Orlind: War has broken out between the humans of the Seven Realms and the long-lost draykoni race. As Llandry fights to defend her home, Eva begins a desperate quest into the heart of the mystical Lokant Libraries — a quest that will lead her deep into the mysteries of the long-lost Seventh Realm.
The Magick of Merlin
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Four years ago, somebody pinched perhaps the most valuable book in existence. Merlin’s personal grimoire. And the price they’re offering for its return is the kind we can’t refuse, so it’s Ves and Jay on the case. Except that there aren’t any clues. Seriously, not even a little one. Nothing’s going to solve this case but a Vesper-patented Crazy Plan, and it had better be a good one, for complications are sprouting like daisies. At least it’s a straightforward mission. There’s no earthly way this one’s going to turn my entire life upside down... right?
Wyrde and Wicked
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
‘When it comes to the Wyrde, there is no such thing as harmless. Every single one of us is a walking disaster.’ Winter has come to Werth Towers, and brought a deal of trouble with it. Not that any of it is the fault of Miss Gussie Werth. To be a one-woman catastrophe might be seen as a misfortune, but really, there can be no hope of a cure. What with murderous Books on the rampage, Lady Maundevyle brewing plans for Christmas, and a couple of dragons on the loose, a quiet life is not likely to be had. Still, in times of crisis, there is always Lord Felix. The disreputable old revenant might have a few odd ideas; but you’re at Werth Towers, now. The merely unusual comes as a matter of course. Welcome to the strangest family in Regency England. Find out just what Gussie did next...
The Tales of Aylfenhame Compendium
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Fairytale fantasy meets romance meets the English Regency in these three dreamy tales. Miss Landon and Aubranael: When impoverished Miss Sophia Landon crosses over into Faerie, she meets Aubranael, an Aylir with a warm heart and a ruined face. Armed with the temporary gift of beauty, Aubranael sets out to win Sophy’s heart: and so begins an adventure that could change his life, and Sophy’s, forever. Miss Ellerby and the Ferryman: Miss Isabel Ellerby is a dutiful daughter with a well-ordered life. But when an impulsive promise to the mysterious Ferryman of the fae realm turns her life upside down, Isabel is forced to choose: will she marry the man her parents have chosen for her, or follow her heart and her destiny to Aylfenhame? Bessie Bell and the Goblin King: When housemaid Bessie Bell is thrown out into a cold October night, her prospects could scarcely seem worse. How will she survive? But on the road she meets a mysterious gentleman, and her fortunes take an immediate turn for the… strange. For they say the Goblin King wanders the hills of Lincolnshire sometimes, in the guise of a mortal man... Three courageous heroines. Three fairytale heroes. Three tales of love, magic and adventure.
Royalty and Ruin
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Somebody thought it would be a great idea to send us to the Troll Court. Because somebody imagined I might be the perfect person to help with a certain wild and crazy plan of Their Majesties' concoction. They want to restore the lost city of Farringale. I can only say that I heartily approve. There is the tiny problem of how, of course; but who better to dig up the truth than the Society’s most colourful agents? Off questing we go, armed with a long list of questions, two winning smiles (well, three, if you count the Baron’s — and who wouldn’t?) and a certain Dappledok pup. Only, history has a way of being... slippery. The only way to find out what really happened at Farringale is to go back there, poke it with a stick, and see what falls out. And try not to die in the process. It'll be fine. With my enchanted pipes in tow, a unicorn at my side and three trusty allies at my back, what could possibly go wrong?
Alchemy and Argent
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
It’s all very well deciding to build the means to save British magick. Top marks for ambitious goals! ...But there are one or two obstacles in the way. For one, said means does not yet exist, and it’ll take a genius to sort that one out. Luckily, we’ve got one of those. We call him Orlando. For another, nothing at all can be built without materials, and no common-or-garden commodities will do. It’s got to be silver. The impossibly rare, virtually extinct kind. This one’s on me, Val and Jay. So it’s down into the depths of history in search of the answer. Could the crackpot alchemists of ages past really turn lead into magickal silver? Everyone says it’s impossible. But if we can’t find a way to conquer the impossible, what’s to become of magick?
Modern Magick, Volume 3
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
The Society for Magickal Heritage’s best agents are heading back into paradise. Giddy Gods help them all. No one ever said heroic adventure would be easy, but this is ridiculous. Magickal wonderlands aren’t meant to have a dark side. Heroes aren’t meant to get stranded there, either. Ves may be up for anything, but she hadn’t expected that pretty much anything would be up for her. And with a horde of unhappy spirits enjoying a direct line to Zareen’s psyche, it’s lucky she’s unbreakable... right? Mysteries deepen and madness abounds in three more Modern Magick adventures: The Wonders of Vale, The Heart of Hyndorin, and Alchemy and Argent.
Modern Magick, Volume 2
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
The fight to save British magick rages on — and it’s taking the Society’s beleaguered champions away from Home. Far, far away, to worlds long lost; worlds no one could ever have imagined existed. Dangers and mysteries abound, which is way up Ves’s street. Jay isn’t quite so sure. Severed as they are from the Society’s support, will magick’s unlikely heroes make it Home unscathed? It’ll be fine. After all, these lost magickal domains are the Society’s ultimate dream. What could possibly be so bad about that? The Society for Magickal Heritage battles modern decay in three thrilling new Modern Magick adventures: The Fifth Britain, Royalty and Ruin, and Music and Misadventure.
Seven Dreams
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Seven mortal Realms I saw and seven keys had I... Serena Carterett leads a team of masqueraders, shapeshifters and reformed thieves. Their task? To oppose the criminal Yllandu at every turn. It's a straightforward job — until the Yllandu get their hands on a mysterious stone artefact, and at the behest of a powerful Lokant employer. When a strange riddle appears in the sky, the hunt for the Seven Dreams begins. Who will find the seven keys, and what do they open? Nobody knows, but Serena is determined to deny the Yllandu the prize. Her team must battle Lokants and sorcerers, scholars and thieves to solve the puzzle first. The hunt will take them all the way across the Seven Realms — and far into the darkness of their own past.
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
When Lokants get involved in our worlds, it always means trouble.   Oh, they are fine folk, no doubt about that. Powerful, intellectual, mysterious. Sometimes devastatingly attractive. But if they are not killing our citizens and reviving long-lost species from the dead, they're kidnapping people, blowing things up or trying to take over the world. It's always something with them.   This time it's kidnapping. Partial Lokants are going missing, and they are not coming back. It falls to me, Evastany, Lady Glostrum, to discover why. Well, who else can be depended upon to do it?   On top of which, there is a Master Lokantor with far too much interest in the realm of Orlind; the founding (and funding) of my new Lokant Heritage Training Bureau; and I still have my wedding to plan.   It is going to be a busy year.
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
War has broken out between the humans of the Seven Realms and the long-lost draykoni race. Llandry’s home city is under attack, its defenders scrambling to find a way to fight the draykon enemy. The outcome of the conflict seems certain – until the draykoni vanish. Where could they have gone, and why?   Lady Eva Glostrum is convinced that this means bad news. The Lokant sorcerer Krays is still at large, and his mysterious projects centre on her world – and the draykoni. Could he have something to do with their disappearance? If so, why? And what will it mean for the Seven Realms when the draykoni come back?   As Llandry fights to defend her home, Eva sets out in pursuit of Krays. Determined to learn the truth, she’ll go to any lengths to prevent him from damaging the Seven. Her quest will take her right into the heart of Krays’s Library – and there she will uncover another long-kept secret.
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Draykoni do not die. Not truly. Not forever.So we thought. We have been proved wrong.A killer walks the Off-Worlds, someone with the means and the will to extinguish even the oldest of draykon souls. But why would anybody do such a thing, and how?I am Llandry Sanfaer: Draykon shapeshifter, ambassador, colony leader. My people are dying beyond hope of revival, and it falls to me to stop it. But the killer leaves nothing behind. No hints, no clues. Just a lifeless skeleton in a dead world.What's more, the corrupted energy of Orlind has broken its confines. It's spreading. With my people and my worlds under threat, I'll need all my wits, all my strength, and all my friends to set things right.
Modern Magick, Volume 1
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Can British magick survive? As the pace of modern life accelerates, the old ways wither and die. But to the Society for Magickal Heritage, that just isn’t good enough. The Witch: Friend to the unicorns, lover of pancakes, and wielder of potent artefacts, star agent Cordelia “Ves” Vesper will stop at nothing — okay, very little — to drag ancient magicks back out of the grave. The Waymaster: New recruit Jay Patel has some rare and powerful arts at his disposal. With a penchant for old books and motorbikes in near equal measure, he’s a force to be reckoned with. The Necromancer: Prankster Zareen Dalir may be high-spirited but she’s got a darker side. A much, much darker side. Head of the Toil and Trouble division, Zar’s the best kind of bad news. The Baron: Is Baron Alban the handsomest troll alive or... forget it, yes. Yes, he is. But he’s not just a pretty face. With the powerful Troll Court at his back and a smile to slay an army, Alban’s a staunch ally. Join these four champions, the enigmatic “Milady” of the Society, and the sentient house they call Home as they fight to keep magick alive! This compendium brings you the first three wild adventures all in one: The Road to Farringale, Toil and Trouble, and The Striding Spire.  Praise for the Modern Magick series: 'Charming, quirky, and funny.' 'Enjoyable and imaginative fantasy series with whimsical overtones... A fresh magical world.' 'This is an incredibly entertaining story... help, I'm running out of superlatives.' 'The writing is excellent and fun... a rousing, gripping adventure. ' '...delightfully fun, whimsical and engaging, with great characters and settings.' 'If you like Jodi Taylor's St Mary's books, this is for you.' '...quirky and fun and I couldn't ask for more... Her usual unique charm.' ''...characters that are easy to love, an invisible boss and a house that seems to have a mind of it's own. I devoured the book in one sitting.' 'Written with charm and intelligence, this series is a delight to read!' '...the pages just seem to fly by! Can't wait to read the next one.' '...the entire quirky cast is fun and endearing... our heroine is a delightful companion for adventure.'
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
The long-vanished draykon race has been restored to the Seven Realms, and the mystery of the istore stone is resolved. But Lady Eva Glostrum returns to Glour City with many questions unanswered. Who are the enigmatic sorcerers who woke the draykon? Their powers are beyond anything she has ever known. With one dead and one vanished - literally - Eva has little to go on save a book taken from a mysterious tower in the Lowers, its cover marked with the strange word "Lokant."   Llandry Sanfaer is anxious to learn more about the glorious draykoni, whose story is so inexplicably bound up with her own. But when she brings another draykon back from the Long Sleep, she finds she has made a grave mistake. Worse, a white-haired sorcerer with a talent for mind control is stalking her across the Worlds...   As war builds between humankind and draykoni, Eva must uncover the identities of the sinister white-haired practitioners - and come to terms with the truth of her own heritage.   And Llandry must learn why she appears to be their primary target...
Wyrde and Wayward
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
‘If you had not already realised it, this is a very strange house you are come to.’ The Scions of the House of Werth are all born normal. It is what happens afterwards that sets them apart. It is not easy being the most supernatural family in England. Nell talks to the dead; Lord Werth is too often to be found out in the churchyard at the dead of night; and the less said about Lord Bedgberry, the better. Only Miss Gussie Werth has missed out on the family curse. She sups on chocolate, not blood; she's blissfully oblivious to spectres (except for Great-Aunt Honoria, of course); and she hasn't the smallest inclination to turn into a beast upon the full moon, and go ravening about the countryside. But there's more to the Wyrde than meets the eye. When a visit to a neighbouring family goes spectacularly, deliciously wrong, Gussie's ideas about her own nature undergo a swift and serious change. Far from being the most ordinary of the bunch, she may just prove to be the most disastrous Werth of them all... Refined Regency sensibilities meet gothic comedy to delightfully absurd effect in Wyrde and Wayward, a fresh new series from the author of Modern Magick and the Malykant Mysteries.
Death's Executioner
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
To catch a monster, send a killer. Murderers and monsters alike stalk the snow-drowned streets of Ekamet. When nightmares creep out of the dark, distant past, who can face them? It will take the eldritch powers of the spirit-witch. The ruthless cruelty of the undead. And the monstrous implacability of the Malykant at his best — and his worst. But when it costs everything they can give, can a trio of killers win against nightmare? If you can’t beat the dark, the only way through is to join it... Konrad Savast returns in four final, brutal cases in the collected Malykant Mysteries.
Black Mercury
Updated at Dec 12, 2019, 06:03
Son of a wealthy businessman, Caspar Goldstein has it easy — too easy. He's the star of the local racing scene, but while hobnobbing with his fans is fun, no amount of money or status can win him the Eisenstadt Autocarriage Cup. So when he stumbles over a new superfuel that could rocket him straight to the front of the pack, he can't resist appropriating a bit for himself. What could possibly go wrong? Well… a lot, actually. Everybody wants to get their hands on a little black mercury, and Cas is in deep trouble. Pursued, hunted and forced into hiding, Cas needs all the help he can get. Luckily for him, he's not short of friends — but how can a crew of engineers, racecar drivers and talking pigeons hope to face down the deadliest of assassins and thieves?