Story By Racheal Dennis

Racheal Dennis

I\'m a spitfire and I\'ve got smart mouth, but got no energy for a fight. I love cooking, singing, reading and writing, but I enjoy watching movies ? I\'m an introvert, but become a wildcat once I\'m familiar with the people around me.
I Hate That I Love You, Mr Anderson.
Updated at Sep 19, 2023, 23:48
Imagine finding out your current lover is your deceased fiancee's murderer, what will you do?
In Love With The GENERAL
Updated at Jan 1, 2023, 21:29
"I have only three rules for you (1) don't fall in love with me, you'd get hurt. (2) don't enter my room without my permission" (3) don't look in my eyes when speaking to me. General Ian said, glaring deeply in my eyes, and I quickly lowered my head and avoided his gaze by all means. Aurora Grace Cox lost her parents at a very tender age, and in order to survive, she resorted to becoming a money lover and a con artist who pretends to be an expert in all professional. But she had vowed to find her parents' murderer and avenge their deaths, then she fought her way into general Ian Morgan's mansion where the murder has taken place. What happens when she's successfully entered general Ian's mansion? Can Aurora abide by general Ian's rules?
Updated at Dec 31, 2022, 00:02
No one has seen him, No one can tell what he looks like, No one can tell if he\'s human, wolf, dragon, elf or vampire. We\'ve only heard his very deep, hoarse voice that doesn\'t sound so humanly. We only know he\'s a ruthless beast, And that beast is the king of all supernatural creatures -he is King Wymond. He is an abomination -a mistake made by the moon goddess. There are rumors that he is immortal -are there still any immortals in this age? He walks the lands every night and kills any soul that crosses path with him or it, He never lets anyone see him and doesn\'t attend public meetings. He\'s always inside his palace, with those two big gates locking him away and isolating him from the world. Weird! How did he ended up becoming the king then? Every five years, girls who have come of age (18years to 25years), from different species (werewolves, vampires, witches, elves and dragons) are taken to his palace. We don\'t know why they are taken there, And we dare not ask why, because asking why is death penalty. And strangely, all the girls taken to the palace always come back alive, but they end up losing their memories of what had happened in there. No one has enough courage to investigate and find out what\'s going on -investigating is like walking into the valley of death. These are stories my grandma always told me when I was a kid, I don\'t know if they are real or if she was saying those things just to scare me. But I still couldn\'t help but wonder if it\'s true, Why does those girls end up losing their memories? Could there be a deep secret behind those closed, big gates?