Story By Rocky Jean

Rocky Jean

rpg gamer, love to read and write. especially creative. two big name authors I enjoy is S.E Hinton\'s "Outsider" and John Steinbeck\'s "of mice and men" and "Grapes of Wrath." When I was a senior in High school we wrote essays and had to apply novels read to the topic. I was able to apply at least one of three if not all three to every topic. I also found the authors put a bit of them self into their writing. As a gamer I found this to be true as well. even in a high fantasy setting. you might find your self there. As a mom of three, one with autism, I found that I could get into their heads and understand their reasoning. it is also fun to teach them to use their imaginations too. I like using the 4th wall in my writings and interesting twist. reading my stuff you can find your self in a maze or rollercoaster. Some Allusion, yes it is spelled right, around meny of the turns.
She broke the rules.
Updated at Jan 28, 2022, 18:01
17yr old, Bessa, by all rights should not exist. Her parents where Omagas, they should not have had an Alpha for a daughter. She should not have her wolf yet. She has had Kainda sense she was 5 years old. Why then you ask? The Alpha that took her in found out that his alpha's voice doesn't work on her. He almost killed her. After the war that killed her parents several packs where ordered to take orphans in. Not all those packs where/are good. The orphans of one such pack decided to make a change for themselves. The plan becomes reality one night and they run. A small town in America takes them in. They find their safe haven for now. just as things start to get comfortable life takes a turn. Will it be fore the best or worse than what they had? While working at the grocery store a gentleman approaches Bessa and ask if she has recently made peanut brittle. She doesn't know what to make of him. She does suggest that he check out the bakery. That they may have some. He goes back to his pack with a smile on his face and a pep in his step. Wondering how she will accept them. how will the others accept her. He comes up with a plan for his pack to meet her. So the Omegas and a few off the ranked wolves start planing a spring carnival. They do one every year, but they decide to make this one special. Over the next few weeks, the gentleman and his partners take to doing the shopping. When the festival comes around they men scout for her only to find she has children with her. Do they change their plans? Are the children in danger with the gentleman's pack? Bessa starts to wonder what is going on. who is the secret admirer that leaves gifts to her and the others. Kainda says they are from her mates. That they are courting her. That she must meet with them and soon. That it maybe life or death. Kainda says she will not say why and which it will be. She is not a seer. The gentleman and his partners start getting more assertive as the days go by. They start coming to the house to spend time with her. She makes it plain that the children go where she goes. That they need protection. The littlest is only 3 after all. Will the gentleman oblige? What will happen with the young ones? Will they find themselves in the dungeons again or will they too find the love of a home? Alley Cat finds out that the librarian's family wants all of the littles to come live with them. That the gentlemen want all the kids safe and happy. some of the older kids are sceptical and justly so. The twins find that they have relatives near by. They must make their own choices. As all children must. As for Bessa and the gentlemen there will be tears, smiles and maybe laughs. Touches of love and surprises for all. Solidity and hope. At times the love is overwhelming for the child who never knew it. Only the Goddess Luna knows why she broke the rules. What is it that she needs to be brought to heel? Luna needs help and the only ones to bring light to a world of darkness may just be The Gentalmen and The Orphan pack.
is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Updated at Nov 16, 2021, 23:34
werewolf + Gladiator + battle Royale Maggie age 18 gets kidnapped, bitten and forced to fight people she doesn't know if the are good or bad. what could happen? This story is based in world of darkness gaming system. which can be really dark. Gladiator style arena keeps it from being too dark. Her challenge is to live. The out come is a little sketchy. Maggie gets help from some odd people that promise if she sticks to their plan. however ask anyone around them about the people or animals Mag sees and they may just lock her away for good...or use her for cannon fodder.