Story By Rafael Sabatini

Rafael Sabatini

Lo sparviero del mare
Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 23:59
1588. Sir Oliver Tressilian ha tutto quello che potrebbe desiderare: ricchezza, fama e l'amore della bella Rosamund. Ma la sua felicità finisce quando il suo fratellastro Lionel uccide a tradimento Peter, il fratello di Rosamund.Ritenuto da tutti il vero colpevole, Sir Oliver è disposto a mantenere il segreto per proteggere Lionel, ma questi lo tradisce e lo vende come schiavo.Cinque anni dopo, i mari della Barberia sono funestati dalle scorrerie del pirata musulmano Sakr-el-Bahr, lo Sparviero del Mare. Ma chi si cela realmente dietro la maschera del sanguinario corsaro? 
The Sea Hawk
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Set against the backdrop of the Spanish invasion of England during the reign of Elizabeth I, The Sea Hawk is a classic of the pirate genre. Sir Oliver Tressilian is betrayed by a jealous half-brother and forced to serve as a slave on a galley. He is liberated when the ship is hijacked by Barbary pirates. Sir Oliver joins the pirates, gaining the name "Sakr-el-Bahr" (the hawk of the sea), and swears vengeance against his brother. The book was the basis for The Sea Hawk, the popular 1940 Errol Flynn swashbuckler. This new digital edition of The Sea Hawk by Rafael Sabatini includes an image gallery.
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Scaramouche tells the story of an unlikely hero during the French Revolution. Andre-Louis Moreau, a lawyer, is transformed from cynic to idealist as circumstances force him to change sides several times during the conflict in France. He becomes a revolutionary, politician, and fencing-master, confounding his enemies with his powerful orations and swordsmanship. Rafael Sabatini’s 1921 novel has been adapted numerous times, most famously in 1952 with Stewart Granger in the title role.