Story By Cooper


The Pack's Doctor
Updated at Oct 22, 2024, 03:56
Yara Ellis is a medical student, hiding in a human university while she studies to become a doctor. Unlike most doctors, Yara is majoring in human medicine, veterinary medicine, and minoring in zoology. Since the packs are constantly at war, she knows that there are never enough doctors to help injured pack members. She’s been on her own for several years now, escaping from her previous pack and making her own way in the world, hoping to one day return to her roots and become the premier doctor of the packs. Warren Hill is an Alpha, caught up in the constant wars that abound between the packs and the battles that are never-ending. He’s a young Alpha, strong and powerful, but because of the constant fighting between the packs, he’s never been able to find his mate. One day when Yara is out letting her wolf run, she comes across Alpha Warren, caught in a bear trap. She’s heard of this, packs leaving traps so that other pack’s members will get caught and either die a slow death or are easily killed. Warren is in his wolf form, unable to shift without ripping his leg off. Yara carefully springs the trap, releasing him from his metal capture. However, Warren recognizes her as his mate and when his pack arrives, he’s unwilling to leave her behind. Yara doesn’t want to return to Warren’s pack but is unable to fight against the Alpha. When she hears that the one who desperately wants her, the one she ran to get away from, is now Alpha of his pack, she realizes that the safest place for her may be with Alpha Warren, even if he is her mate and even if he is unwilling to ever let her go.
Ancalagon: The Last Pure Dragon
Updated at Oct 6, 2024, 06:57
As the son of Zephyr and Avani, Ancalagon is the last pure dragon. Because of his time in a scientist’s laboratory, he not only has the air and earth elements, but also fire and water, making him the only dragon in history to have all four elements. However, the scientist created a flaw in Ancalagon's DNA. If he isn’t claimed by his mate, he could lose his humanity. Eliane is the daughter of Oliver, the scientist who tortured Ancalagon. She, herself, was experimented on, never seeing the outdoors until the night the dragons came for Ancalagon. When Ancalagon tried to rescue her, Oliver snatched her away and for months he tortured her in the same way that he'd tortured Ancalagon. Eventually, Eliane believed that Ancalagon left her to suffer at her father's hands. When she finally escapes, Eliane runs, trying to hide from the supernaturals. She begins having blackouts, large periods of time where she has no recollection of what happens to her. It’s during one of these blackouts, that she meets Snow, another dragon. They become friends and begin helping each other, protecting each other from the bad hybrids who are hunting them. When Snow shifts, telling Elianne that his name is Iniko, he leaves a strange mark on her, his image over her heart. It forges a deeper connection between them and when the bad hybrids capture him, she runs to the elemental dragons for help. What will happen when Ancalagon realizes that his mate has been claimed by his brother? How will Eliane react when she realizes that Ancalagon has been searching for her all this time. Will she be able to heal his broken DNA and help him regain his humanity, or will she leave him, breaking what's left of Ancalagon?
The Gentle Dragon
Updated at Jun 20, 2024, 03:49
Kaylani is the last water dragon, or she was until a scientist began making hybrids out of dragon DNA. She has been unable to have her own children, even when she mated with the earth dragon, Avani. He is now permanently mated, so having a dragon baby is no longer an option. Instead of her own child, Kaylani adopted Naida, a hybrid created in a laboratory by the mad scientist, Oliver, using her DNA. Everett is a human who has become a doctor to the dragons and hybrids. He switched his focus from humans to dragons, shifters, and eventually hybrid, and elf anatomy. He has worked to find ways to save the dragons and hybrids, whether from explosives in their brains, from shifting into deformed creatures in a hybridization gone wrong, or correcting the DNA of the ones whose injected DNA is incompatible and will kill the hybrid when they shift for the first time. Kaylani recognized Everett as her mate the first time she saw him. Unlike the other elemental dragons, she has no intention of fighting the mate bond and would love nothing more than for Everett to claim her. Everett, however, doesn’t feel worthy of the gorgeous water dragon who looks like a goddess. However, her intelligence and her kindness continue to draw him to her, nearly as much as the mate bond pulls her to him. They work well together and have opened a school for the laboratory created dragons and hybrids, as well as other pure shifters, to help them understand themselves better and ensure that they have a positive future. Can Kaylani convince Everett to claim her, or are they destined to work side by side, never knowing the true love that comes from the dragon bond?
The Assassin
Updated at May 20, 2024, 04:46
Zephyr is the last air dragon in existence. For a century and a half, she searched for her mate. Finally, she decides to have a true dragon with Avani, the last earth dragon, and the only remaining male dragon. Their son, Ancalagon, is the last of the pure dragons. Ishir is a Bengal tiger shifter. He became friends with Avani before he was captured and placed in an arena. There, he met Tana, the fire dragon. He befriended her, her hybrid daughter, and eventually her Lycan mate. For years, he has been working to rescue shifters while also maintaining a job searching for missing humans. It was during a meeting to discuss taking down a new arena that Ishir met Zephyr and realized she was his mate and that he was mated to a dragon. When Zephyr recognizes Ishir as her mate, she refuses to acknowledge him. After all this time, she finally finds her mate when she’s just had her son, Ancalagon. But a dragon can’t stay away from their mate. In a moment of weakness, she goes to Ishir, spending a night of passion more intense than anything she could have imagined. When she returns home, she finds that her son has been kidnapped and taken by hunters. She begins searching for him, half-crazed to protect him from the people who so willingly kill shifters. When Zephyr finally finds her son, the lead hunter, Oliver, negotiates an agreement with her – she will work for him in exchange for her son’s life. Now, Zephyr will have to go against her very nature, becoming an assassin and killing those she is sworn to protect in order to save her son. Can Ishir find Ancalagon, protect the shifters, and save Zephyr from herself, or will she lose herself to save her son? **This is the third book in the Elemental Dragon series. References will be made to previous events that occurred in those books. It is recommended that you read The Arena and The Dark Protector before reading this book.
The Dark Protector
Updated at Apr 9, 2024, 04:37
Avani is the last earth dragon in the world. He is also the last male dragon and has taken over as protector of the forest. The other three remaining elemental dragons – air, water, and fire – are all females. Their race will die out unless he mates with one of the other three dragons. He snubs the idea of finding a mate, refusing to allow anyone to claim him and therefore control him. The hunters are always searching for supernaturals to force into their Arenas, a modern-day gladiator fighting ring. Now they also capture supernaturals to experiment on, creating a new race of hybrid creatures. Because Avani can shift his emerald-green scales into the black of onyx to blend into the night, those he saves have started to call him The Dark Protector. Merethyl is an elven princess. She and her brother, Yhendorn, are captured by hunters when her family is attacked, and her parents slaughtered. They are held captive and experimented on until they found a way to escape. As they flee, Yhendorn is recaptured sacrificing himself to make sure Merethyl gets away. The hunters chase her, trying to run her down. Avani hears her and flies to her rescue, killing the hunters that are after her. When he realizes that she smells better than anyone he’s ever smelled before, he knows he must get away from her. He cannot allow her to have the total control over him that claiming him would give her. But Merethyl has nowhere else to go and she needs Avani’s help to rescue her brother. Will Avani be able to resist the charms of the elven princess? Or will he fall to her, claimed, and making her his dragonrider?
The Arena
Updated at Mar 8, 2024, 15:25
Tana is a fire dragon, one of only four Elemental Dragons left in the world. For nearly a year, she has battled in the Arena, a supernatural gladiator fighting ring where you must fight to the death. Most die in their first competition. Others survive a couple of weeks. Only a few have survived this longas long as she has. Tana hid her true identity from everyone. If they knew what she was, her fate would be worse than the Arena. Cedric, an Alpha werewolf, believed his pack would quickly rescue him and the other shifters after their capture by hunters. Left to fend for himself in the Arena, Cedric meets Tana. Together, they form a powerful bond and help each other survive. Cedric is convinced that Tana is his fated mate, assuming she's an Alpha werewolf to have survived so long. When they finally get a chance to escape, Cedric claims Tana as his mate, and he markings her in a night of passion. Only when he sinks his teeth into her neck, he feels a power like never before, and he realizes she is no werewolf. Confused and angry at what he considers a betrayal, Cedric leaves, only to return to find her gone the next morning. One night of passion was all it took for Tana to become pregnant. Rejected by her mate, she forges a new life in the city for herself and her child, steering clear of werewolf packs in the hopes of avoiding Cedric's presence. But, unbeknownst to her, he has been hunting for Tana since the night he left her. What will happen when their businesses bring them back together, and he finds that Tana now has a daughter? Will he accept her? Or will he reject her again, leaving their bond forever shattered forever?