
The Gentle Dragon

another world

Kaylani is the last water dragon, or she was until a scientist began making hybrids out of dragon DNA. She has been unable to have her own children, even when she mated with the earth dragon, Avani. He is now permanently mated, so having a dragon baby is no longer an option. Instead of her own child, Kaylani adopted Naida, a hybrid created in a laboratory by the mad scientist, Oliver, using her DNA.

Everett is a human who has become a doctor to the dragons and hybrids. He switched his focus from humans to dragons, shifters, and eventually hybrid, and elf anatomy. He has worked to find ways to save the dragons and hybrids, whether from explosives in their brains, from shifting into deformed creatures in a hybridization gone wrong, or correcting the DNA of the ones whose injected DNA is incompatible and will kill the hybrid when they shift for the first time.

Kaylani recognized Everett as her mate the first time she saw him. Unlike the other elemental dragons, she has no intention of fighting the mate bond and would love nothing more than for Everett to claim her. Everett, however, doesn’t feel worthy of the gorgeous water dragon who looks like a goddess. However, her intelligence and her kindness continue to draw him to her, nearly as much as the mate bond pulls her to him.

They work well together and have opened a school for the laboratory created dragons and hybrids, as well as other pure shifters, to help them understand themselves better and ensure that they have a positive future.

Can Kaylani convince Everett to claim her, or are they destined to work side by side, never knowing the true love that comes from the dragon bond?

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Chapter 1: Kaylani
***This is Book 4 of the Elemental Dragon series. While this book can be read as a standalone novel, it is meant to be read as part of a series. References will be made to events in the other books without specific explanation in this book. If you would like to read the series from the beginning, start with The Arena.** ~~~ I wake up alone to the shouts coming from just outside the main doors of the school. We opened our doors three months ago and everything was great…for about five minutes. Who knew that including all shifters, elves, and our current residents of laboratory created dragons and hybrids could cause so much chaos? Not only that, who knew that in our very first year, that we’d have to start a waiting list? I had no idea that a university for shifters was so desperately needed. We’ve already started plans to build an addition to the main hall and to build a separate laboratory for Everett, moving his current space out of the main hall and giving us a couple more rooms for students. The general ages for the students are fifteen to twenty-four, not including those born as dragons. They can start as early as age two. The top age will change over time because it will depend on when the shifter, elf, or dragon finds their mate. As part of the curriculum that Zephyr, Everett and I put together, we agreed that each mated couple will need at least one more year in the university to work through the challenges of being mated to a different species. Based on the current interactions that I’m having to mediate daily, I’m wondering if it shouldn’t be two years. I quickly get dressed and head out of my bedroom. There are only two bedrooms on the first floor, mine and Everett’s, my mate. I would love nothing more than to have one bedroom for the two of us, but he hasn’t claimed me, and he told me that he won’t, because he feels that I deserve someone stronger, someone better. What he doesn’t realize is that there will never be anyone else for me. A dragon gives their heart once and only once. He has mine and he always will, even if he chooses to cast it aside. As I walk through the main entry area, I hear a crash and yelling outside. “Lab Dragon!” “Uppity, arrogant elf!” I recognize the two voices, Daichi is the dragon and Fenian is the elf. Lab dragon has become a very derogatory term for the dragons that aren’t technically ‘real’ dragons, but they aren’t hybrids either. Daichi was created in The Chief’s lab with Avani’s DNA. Fenian comes from King Yhendorn’s elven troupe, a pure elf. As I walk outside, I feel the earth begin to shake with Daichi’s anger. Fenian begins laughing. “You don’t actually think that your pathetic attempts to move the earth are going to bother me, do you?” Fenian says, pulling on the earth under Daichi’s feet. Elves can manipulate the earth just as easily as earth dragons, which is probably why Avani is mated to Yhendorn's sister, an Elven princess. Daichi hasn’t shifted yet. None of the laboratory created dragons have, but they are all getting close and the closer they get, the more moody and temperamental they become. I turn, looking at Ancalagon, who is just laying in the sun like nothing is wrong. “Ancalagon? A little help?” He lifts his head and looks at the two arguing. “You’re a full-fledged dragon, Kaylani, I’m sure you can figure it out,” he says, before laying his head back down. I feel my blood boiling at his callousness. He’s the Alpha of Alphas and every one of these shifters would have to respond if he chose to act like a leader. Instead, he’s acting like a moody teenager. I growl, just as Ajax comes running up. Ajax is also an earth dragon, but he’s a hybrid. He was born a human and was given Avani’s DNA along with the DNA of an elf, making him a shifter with a very powerful manipulation of the earth. Everett identified that his primary DNA was dragon and Ajax had his first shift several months ago. Since then, he’s become adept at shifting and at manipulating the earth element. “Knock it off, you two,” he says. Ajax is one of Everett’s adopted sons, and he’s become something of a leader in the school. Unlike Ancalagon who should be leading the school and refuses, Ajax has taken to his role as leader very well, and he handles the stress of being in charge excellently. Because of his strength, he and Ancalagon have become friends. I keep hoping that Jax will wear off on Cal, but so far, it hasn’t happened. “Make me,” Fenian says snidely. Ajax flicks his fingers and sends Fenian flying backward. He’s up and ready to fight in an instant, some of the other elves jumping in but I douse them with water, literally washing them out. “ENOUGH!” I roar. “You know the rules. There is no fighting. Fenian, this is your last warning and Yhendorn will be hearing about this.” “He started it,” he says, pointing at Daichi. “And yet, he stopped when told to,” I say. Fenian snarls, baring his teeth and beginning to stalk me. Seriously kid? I don’t know what he was planning, but the ground shaking behind us with another dragon landing, stops him. Unfortunately for Fenian, I already knew that Kenna was in the air, carrying her mate on her back. King Yhendorn slides off of Kenna’s back, but he doesn’t have a chance to confront Fenian before Kenna has him pinned to the ground with her claws. I hear Daichi snicker, and I turn, growling at him. “Find somewhere else to be and take this as a warning. If you continue to end up in fights, you’ll find yourself kicked out of this school,” I snarl. Even in his dragon form, I can see the shock and hurt on his face. Unlike Fenian, Daichi has nowhere else to go. I know that he didn’t start this, he has too much to lose. But I can’t allow the dragons to think that they can fight with the other factions and get away with it just because they have nowhere to go. Ancalagon growls, finally getting interested in the argument because, by his estimation, I threatened one of his dragons. “You overstep, Kaylani,” he says, and Kenna slams a fireball in his face. “If you had stepped in earlier, Ancalagon, none of this would have happened. If you want to place blame, look in the mirror,” she tells him, still holding Fenian on the ground. He roars at the two of us then leaps into the air, calling to the other dragons. Thirteen dragons lift into the air and even Ajax looks longingly after him. “You may as well go too,” I say to him, just as Kano reacts to Ancalagon’s call. The two of them leap and shift, following him to the east where the sun is rising. “Don’t let the humans see you this time,” I yell at them. I hear a sad cry and turn to see Naida, my adopted daughter, shifted, but unable to fly. She recently shifted for the first time into a water dragon. I walk over to her, cooing at her and soothing her so she doesn’t continue to feel Ancalagon’s call to join him. In the distance, I can hear my sister doing the same for her adopted daughter, Nova. Nova has the fire dragon DNA, but she and Zephyr bonded the first time they met. Nova is too young to shift, so the call would be painful to her and when she gets angry enough, Zephyr roars for Ancalagon to stop and, thankfully, he listens to his mother. “Well, that’s one way to start the morning,” Tesha, one of the hybrids that my brilliant mate saved says, walking out with Everett. “Are you okay, Kaylani?” he asks, walking up to me and stroking his hand down my arm. I wish he would take me in his arms, hold me, just because he needs to touch me, but he won’t. “I’m a dragon, of course I’m fine,” I say and turn, watching as Yhendorn speaks to his troupe member. I look back at Everett. He’s watching Ancalagon flying off in the distance as he strokes Naida, helping to soothe her. “What is it, Everett?” Unconsciously, he pulls me to him as he focuses on Ancalagon. I revel in his touch, leaning into him while I have this moment. “I need to convince Cal to come in for testing. His personality is changing, and I want to know why.” “He’s in his teenage, defiant time of his life,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him and sighing as he does the same to me. “I think it’s more than that,” he says, making me focus on him. “What do you mean?” “I’m not sure and I won’t know until he agrees to let me run some tests on him.” I turn and look at Ancalagon. It will be a cold day in hell before Cal will allow Everett or anyone to run tests on him. “Kaylani, is Fenian allowed to continue at the school?” Yhendorn asks me. “It’s his last warning, Yhendorn. If he starts a fight again, he’s out. And if he ever thinks of attacking me again, I’ll make sure he understands that the earth has no power against water.” “I didn’t start it, Daichi did,” Fenian insists. “I don’t tolerate liars, Fenian. And I’m not stupid enough to have a school without cameras. Shall we replay the events that happened in the last 30 minutes for King Yhendorn and Queen Kenna?” Everett asks him. My mate may be human, but he never, ever backs down from these supernaturals. He has also learned how to get the better of them by using his incredible mind, rather than the strength that he doesn’t have, that they all pull from. “No sir,” Fenian pouts. “A good decision, Fenian. As punishment for today, you’ll have to help me in the laboratory,” Everett tells him. I watch Fenian turn an unpleasant shade of green. Everett makes sure that cleaning the laboratory is the grossest punishment that it can possibly be. “So, what will it be, Fenian?” Everett asks. Fenian gags but walks toward Everett. “I’ll clean.” “A good choice.”

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