Story By Bram Stoker

Bram Stoker

Updated at Jan 17, 2022, 00:41
Dracula, the ancient and feared vampire, moves from Transylvania to England in search of new blood and to spread the undead curse. The ensuing string of horrors attract the attention of a small group of men and a woman who, led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing, will confront Dracula in a battle to the death.
The man
The man
Updated at Jan 13, 2022, 19:22
The Man is a Victorian novel by Bram Stoker, best known for Dracula. A typical Gothic novel, it features horror and romance. 
The Man
The Man
Updated at Jun 23, 2021, 00:57
Would you rather be an angel than a God? Miss Stephen Norman and Harold An Wolf are sitting in the graveyard of their town's church, eavesdropping on the conversation of two little girls below them.
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
SOLIDARIETA" DIGITALE : tutto il nostro catalogo in promozione! EDIZIONE REVISIONATA 12/12/2018. Nel 1890 Bram Stoker aveva incontrato il professore ungherese Arminius Vambéry, che gli aveva raccontato l’affascinante leggenda di Dracula, ovvero Vlad III principe di Valacchia, vissuto nel XV secolo. Questo personaggio è ricordato dalla storia per essere stato particolarmente sanguinario e crudele; più volte guidò violenti attacchi alle città della Transilvania, riservando ai suoi nemici terribili supplizi. Nel romanzo di Stoker, scritto sotto forma di raccolta di lettere, articoli e brani dei diari dei protagonisti, come se si trattasse di un’inchiesta giornalistica, si raccontano le vicende del giovane avvocato Jonathan Harker, che deve recarsi in Transilvania per curare l’acquisto di un’abitazione londinese da parte di un anziano nobile del posto. In un crescendo di tensione e terrore, l’avvocato giungerà a scoprire il terribile segreto dell’uomo: il Conte Dracula è un vampiro, che si nutre di sangue umano! In questa terra misteriosa, ricca di castelli e leggende, Stoker ambienta quindi il suo straordinario racconto dedicato all’angosciante figura del vampiro, diffusa nel folklore di tutto il mondo, e realizza un’opera dalle tinte cupe e misteriose, in cui il terrore la fa da padrone, incalzando i protagonisti dalla prima all’ultima pagina. Ripreso da innumerevoli film, libri e spettacoli teatrali, Dracula, pubblicato nel 1897, rappresenta l’ultimo grande romanzo gotico.
Le Défilé du serpent
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Dévorez le premier roman de Stocker, auteur mythique du sanglant Dracula Arthur Severn, jeune Anglais qui vient d’hériter de la fortune de sa tante, découvre le Connemara. Il s’y éprend de Norah Joyce, dont le père est honteusement spolié par Murtagh Murdock, l’odieux Gombeen Man, usurier rural détesté par toute la communauté paysanne. Il aide son ami Dick Sutherland, géologue, à sonder la « tourbière mouvante » qui, à en croire divers récits, serait à la fois le repaire ultime du Roi des Serpents et le lieu où est enfoui le célèbre trésor perdu par les Français en 1798. C’est l’ouest de l’Irlande, balayé par les pluies et les tempêtes, qui sert de cadre naturel et grandiose à cette histoire d’amour, de cupidité et de dépossession : la « tourbière mouvante » est le lieu inattendu et dangereux d’une exploration à la fois historique, scientifique et fantastique. L’évocation d’une nature à la fois sublime et tourmentée est le prélude et l’accompagnement de l’aventure intérieure qui verra Arthur renaître à une nouvelle vie… Le Défilé du Serpent était resté inédit en français jusqu'à ce jour… Shleenanaher— « le Défilé du Serpent » — exerce une étrange fascination sur tous ceux qui l’approchent, qu’il s’agisse des autochtones ou d’Arthur Severn, « l’étranger ». EXTRAIT Entre deux montagnes de gris et de vert, car le rocher affleurait entre les touffes de verdure émeraude, la vallée, presque aussi étroite qu’une gorge, s’en allait plein ouest vers la mer. Il y avait juste assez de place pour la chaussée, à demi entaillée dans la roche, à côté de l’étroite bande que formait le lac sombre d’une profondeur apparemment insondable loin en contrebas, entre des parois verticales de roche menaçante. La vallée s’ouvrit et la pente se fit raide, le lac devenant un torrent bordé d’écume qui s’élargissait en mares et en lacs miniatures en atteignant le niveau le plus bas. La montagne s’élevait doucement par paliers semblables à des terrasses où la civilisation se laissait entrevoir furtivement, émergeant de la désolation presque primordiale qui nous enserrait : bouquets d’arbres, chaumières, contours irréguliers des champs clos de murs de pierre, avec des tas de tourbe noirs pour les feux de l’hiver, empilés çà et là. Loin au-delà, il y avait la mer, le grand Atlantique, avec un littoral follement irrégulier parsemé d’une myriade de petits groupes d’îlots rocheux ; une mer d’un bleu profond, avec un trait de faible lumière blanche au lointain horizon et, quand le bord de l’eau était visible dans les trouées de la côte rocheuse, ici et là frangée d’une ligne d’écume à l’endroit où les vagues se brisaient sur les rochers ou bien dévalaient en énormes rouleaux sur l’étendue unie des sables. CE QU'EN PENSE LA CRITIQUE - « De page en page, la nature prend une place de plus en plus importante, et l'étrange magie qu'elle dégage se pare de reflets surnaturels. Toute cette partie est portée par une poésie farouche et par un sens du mystère qui font vite oublier les conventions de l'histoire d'amour et le conformisme de la fin, qui voit la sauvage Irlandaise devenir une parfaite petite Anglaise... Stoker n'est sans doute qu'un petit maître, mais il mérite largement qu'on le redécouvre, et cela bien au-delà du personnage légendaire qui l'a rendu célèbre. » - Télérama A PROPOS DE L’AUTEUR Bram Stoker est né à Dublin en 1847. Après une jeunesse précaire et difficile, il se lança dans le journalisme ses études terminées. En 1871 lui vint l’idée de ce qui allait devenir un des plus célèbres romans de littérature fantastique, Dracula (1897). Il rédigea de nombreuses autres œuvres, parmi lesquelles Le Joyau des Sept Étoiles, disponible pour la première fois en version intégrale dans la collection Terres Fantastiques, et Le Repaire du Ver blanc. Il mourut à Londres en 1912.
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 19:50
The original classic.DRACULA by Bram Stoker    
Updated at Apr 21, 2023, 02:35
Il famosissimo romanzo dell’orrore Dracula (1897) di Bram Stoker, ispirato alla figura dello spietato principe di Valacchia Vlad III, è denso di atmosfere cupe e terrorizzanti che conducono alla scoperta dell’esistenza di un crudele vampiro. Fra i protagonisti appare anche il celebre Van Helsing. Non si contano gli adattamenti cinematografici ricavati dalla vicenda.
La tana del serpente bianco
Updated at Apr 13, 2023, 22:58
Quando Adam Stalton viene richiamato dal nonno nel Derbyshire, in Inghilterra, non può immaginare con quali oscuri e intriganti misteri dovrà confrontarsi. Cosa celano dietro i loro inspiegabili comportamenti l’algida e sensuale “vicina di casa” Lady Arabella o l’oscuro ed enigmatico Sir Edgar Caswal?Dalle leggende druidiche ai riti vodoo, dagli studiosi dell’occulto alle creature infernali, in questo libro ci sono tutti gli ingredienti che hanno reso grande il nome di Stoker.(Traduzione dell'opera eseguita sulla versione originale del 1911, senza i tagli successivi, per mantenerne l'integrità e le intenzioni dell'autore)
La vergine di Norimberga
Updated at Apr 12, 2023, 18:44
Sei racconti horror dalla penna di Bram Stoker, tra cui spicca "L'ospite di Dracula", che nelle intenzioni dell'autore irlandese avrebbe dovuto essere il primo capitolo del suo romanzo più famoso.Ma Stoker porta il lettore in territori sempre diversi della narrativa fantastica e dell'orrore, partendo dalle situazioni tipiche del genere per arrivare a soluzioni brillanti e coraggiose: dalla casa stregata al doppelganger, non c'è archetipo che l'autore di "Dracula" non abbia affrontato.
Updated at Apr 10, 2023, 18:44
Dracula (dal rumeno Dracul: diavolo) è un romanzo scritto da Bram Stoker nel 1897, che ha dato origine al personaggio del Conte Dracula, quest'ultimo ispirato alla figura storica di Vlad III di Valacchia (regione storica della Romania).Abraham Stoker, detto Bram (Clontarf, 8 novembre 1847 – Londra, 20 aprile 1912), è stato uno scrittore irlandese, divenuto celebre come autore di Dracula, uno fra i più conosciuti romanzi gotici del terrore. In vita era conosciuto in particolare per essere l'assistente personale dell'attore Henry Irving e il direttore economico del Lyceum Theatre di Londra, di proprietà dello stesso Irving.
The Mystery of the Sea
Updated at Dec 8, 2022, 18:20
When Archibald Hunter comes to Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire for his annual holiday he is looking forward to a tranquil few days by the sea, but he is disturbed by strange visions and portents of doom. Where are these terrible visions taking him? And what is the significance of the pages of cipher?
The Lair of the White Worm (Annotated)
Updated at May 30, 2022, 19:29
Adam Salton is approached by his great uncle in England, who is attempting to rekindle a bond between the family's last two members. Adam travels to Mercia and soon finds himself in the middle of some strange events. Edgar Caswall, the new heir to the Caswall estate, appears to be engaging in some type of mesmeric assault on a local girl. Arabella March, a local lady, appears to be playing her own game — something bizarre, unexplained, and evil...
The Jewel of Seven Stars (Annotated)
Updated at May 30, 2022, 19:27
After a mystery attack on Margaret Trelawney's father, young lawyer Malcolm Ross is drawn into the Egyptologist's strange home, where the couple soon discovers they are fighting ancient powers far stronger than they could have anticipated. Tera, the Egyptian queen, has awoken and is on her way to claim what she believes is rightfully hers, no matter the cost to the Trelawney family. The Jewel of Seven Stars, set in London and Cornwall and written at a time when Victorian England was enthralled with the East, represented the apparent contrast between the Orient's cruelty and moral depravity and its exotic beauty and grandeur.
The Man
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 14:43
"The Man" is a 1905 Victorian novel by Bram Stoker, best known for "Dracula"."The Man" has elements typical of Gothic fiction: horror and romance. The novel begins in a cemetery, and often returns there. Depictions of tombstones, Gothic architecture, gargoyles and other Gothic imagery are abundant. It focuses on a romance between the main character, Stephen, and Harold. It also focuses on the concept of death, with many characters dying in tragic accidents. Through the deaths, Stephen and Harold grow closer. 
Dracula (Annotated)
Updated at Sep 15, 2021, 05:45
This is the Annotated version of the original eBook. We had Annotated this by adding a summary of 87,000 (approximate) words which is approximately 50% to 60% summary of the original eBook at the end of the book in red fonts. You can navigate to any chapter and also to the main summary. The Brief description of the main eBook is written as follows:- The story is told in an epistolary format, as a series of letters, diary entries, newspaper articles, and ships' log entries, whose narrators are the novel's protagonists, and occasionally supplemented with newspaper clippings relating events not directly witnessed. The tale begins with Jonathan Harker, a newly qualified English solicitor, visiting Count Dracula at his castle in the Carpathian Mountains on the border of Transylvania, Bukovina, and Moldavia, to provide legal support for a real estate transaction overseen by Harker's employer, Mr Peter Hawkins of Exeter. Dracula boards a Russian ship, the Demeter, taking with him boxes of Transylvanian soil, which he requires in order to regain his strength. It is later learned that Dracula successfully purchased multiple estates under the alias 'Count De Ville' throughout London and devised to distribute the boxes to each of them utilizing transportation services as well as moving them himself. He does this to secure for himself lairs and the boxes of earth would be used as his graves which would grant safety and rest during times of feeding and replenishing his strength. Van Helsing also prescribes garlic flowers to be placed throughout her room and weaves a necklace of withered garlic blossoms for her to wear. Van Helsing attempts to protect Lucy with garlic but fate thwarts him each night, whether Lucy's mother removes the garlic from her room, or Lucy herself does so in her restless sleep. She tasks herself with collecting them, researching newspaper clippings, fitting the most relevant entries into chronological order and typing out copies to distribute to each of the party which they are to study. Jonathan Harker tracks down the shipments of boxed graves and the estates which Dracula has purchased in order to store them. Seward to analyze the behaviour of their patient Renfield who they learn is directly influenced by Dracula. Van Helsing also establishes a criminal profile on Dracula in order to better understand his actions and predict his movements. After Dracula learns of the group's plot against him, he attacks Mina on three occasions, and feeds Mina his own blood to control her. Van Helsing attempts to bless Mina through prayer and by placing a wafer of sacrament against her forehead, but it burns her upon contact leaving a wretched scar. Van Helsing is able to use hypnotism twice a day, at dawn and at sunset, to put her into this trance to further track Dracula's movements. Mina, afraid of Dracula's link with her, urges the team not to tell her their plans out of fear that Dracula will be listening. After the protagonists discover and sterilize 49 boxes found throughout his lairs in London, they learn that Dracula has fled with the missing 50th box back to his castle in Transylvania. They split up into teams once they reach Europe; Van Helsing and Mina go to Dracula's castle, while the others attempt to ambush the boat Dracula is using to reach his home. Dracula crumbles to dust, and Mina is freed from her curse of vampirism, as the scar on her forehead disappears. The book closes with a note left by Jonathan Harker seven years after the events of the novel, detailing his married life with Mina and the birth of their son, whom they name after all four members of the party, but address as Quincey.
Dracula's Guest
Updated at Jun 23, 2021, 00:40
Dracula's Guest follows an Englishman on a visit to Munich before leaving for Transylvania. It is Walpurgis Night, and in spite of the hotelier's warning to not be late back, the young man later leaves his carriage and wanders toward the direction of an abandoned unholy village. As the carriage departs with the frightened and superstitious driver, a tall and thin stranger scares the horses at the crest of a hill.
Under the Sunset
Updated at Jun 9, 2021, 23:31
A collection of gothic stories from Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula featuring: Under the Sunset, The Rose Prince, The Invisible Giant, The Shadow Builder, How 7 Went Mad, Lies and Lilies, The Castle of the King, The Wondrous Child.
A Dream of Red Hands
Updated at Jun 9, 2021, 00:57
A collection of gothic stories from Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula featuring: A Dream of Rend Hands, Crooken Sands, Old Hoggen, The Dualitists, The Man from Shorrox.
The Lair of the White Worm
Updated at Jun 9, 2021, 00:56
The White Worm is a large snake-like creature that dwells in the hole or pit in Arabella's house located in Diana's Grove. The White Worm has green glowing eyes and feeds on whatever is thrown to it in the pit. The White Worm ascends from the pit and seeks to attack Adam and Mimi Watford in a forest.
The Jewel of Seven Stars
Updated at Jun 9, 2021, 00:35
Malcolm Ross, a young barrister, is awakened in the middle of the night and summoned to the house of famous Egyptologist Abel Trelawny at the request of his daughter, Margaret, with whom Malcolm is enamored. Once Malcolm arrives at the house, he meets Margaret, Superintendent Dolan, and Doctor Winchester, and learns why he has been called: Margaret, hearing strange noises from her father’s bedroom, woke to find him unconscious and bloodied on the floor of his room, under some sort of trance.
Updated at Jun 9, 2021, 00:27
Bram Stoker's finest Vampire novel, featuring Jonathan Harker, Professor Van Helsing, Wilhemina Murray, Lucy Westenra, Dr John Seward, Quincey Morris, Hon. Arthur Holmwood, Renfield, and Count Dracular. Set in Dracula's crumbling castle on the border of Transylvania, Bukovina and Moldavia, an example of Victorian gothic novel defining modern form and style of vampire story telling.
The Mystery of the Sea
Updated at Jun 1, 2021, 02:17
Archibald Hunter, a young Englishman, is passing his leisure time near Cruden Bay in the small Scottish village of Whinnyfold when he has a vision of a couple walking past him, carrying a tiny coffin. Archibald also notices a strange old woman watching him. Later, he finds out that his vision has come true, and a child in town has died. Archibald encounters the bizarre old woman again on the seashore; this woman, who introduces herself as Gormala MacNeil, knows that Archibald saw something out of the ordinary.
The Garden of Evil
Updated at May 27, 2021, 02:53
The Garden of Evil is a horror novel partly based on the legend of the Lambton Worm. Adam Salton, originally from Australia is contacted by his great-uncle, Richard Salton, for the purpose of establishing a relationship between these last two members of the family. His great-uncle wants to make Adam his heir. Adam travels to Richard Salton's house in Mercia, Lesser Hill, and quickly finds himself at the centre of mysterious and inexplicable occurrences.
The Lady of the Shroud
Updated at May 27, 2021, 02:09
Rupert Saint Leger inherits his uncle's estate worth more than one million pounds, on condition that he live for a year in his uncle's castle in the Land of the Blue Mountains on the Dalmatian coast.
Updated at Dec 22, 2020, 01:53
The figure of Count Dracula is one of the most famous literary figures in the world. Since the vampire novel “Dracula” by the Irish writer Bram Stoker (1847-1912) was published in 1897, it has become indispensable in literature and film. The cinema in particular quickly discovered the vampires as powerful images for themselves, but this did not detract from the genre-own qualities of the literary original. Bram Stoker’s novel about the young lawyer Harker and the demonic undead Dracula is still a scary and beautiful reading experience today. “Dracula” is a story about unconditional friendship, love and the fight against evil, which Jonathan Harker and his comrades-in-arms take up. It is built up with special stylistic means (diary excerpts, newspaper excerpts, letter texts) and told in a stirring way. The material contains far more than many film adaptations have made of it and rightly belongs to world literature. In this early montage novel the great oppositions of the 19th century meet on top of each other. Science struggles with faith, empiricism with intuition, Protestantism with Catholicism, the West with the East, the visible with the invisible. This novel even refers to the coming emancipation of women, and does not limit its female protagonists to the role of victims. But more than anything else, this is a novel on eternal love and infinite grief. Bram Stoker (1847-1912), born in Dublin and unable to walk until the age of seven, became the most successful football player at Dublin University as a student. For 27 years he worked as a manager for the actor Henry Irving and as an English agent for Mark Twain. He did not live to see the worldwide success of his novel Dracula. The size of the eBook is about 500 pages.  
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 07:38
During a business visit to Count Dracula's castle in Transylvania, a young English solicitor finds himself at the center of a series of horrifying incidents. Jonathan Harker is attacked by three phantom women, observes the Count's transformation from human to bat form, and discovers puncture wounds on his own neck that seem to have been made by teeth. Harker returns home upon his escape from Dracula's grim fortress, but a friend's strange malady — involving sleepwalking, inexplicable blood loss, and mysterious throat wounds — initiates a frantic vampire hunt. The popularity of Bram Stoker's 1897 horror romance is as deathless as any vampire.  Its supernatural appeal has spawned a host of film and stage adaptations, and more than a century after its initial publication, it continues to hold readers spellbound.
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Acting on behalf of his firm of solicitors, Jonathan Harker travels to the Carpathian Mountains to finalize the sale of England's Carfax Abbey to Transylvanian noble Count Dracula. Little does he realize that, in doing so, he endangers all that he loves. For Dracula is one of the Un-Dead -- a centuries-old vampire who sleeps by day and stalks by night, feasting on the blood of his helpless victims. Once on English soil, the count sets his sights on Jonathan's circle of associates, among them his beloved wife Mina. To thwart Dracula's evil designs, Jonathan and his friends will have to accept as truth the most preposterous superstitions concerning vampires, and in the company of legendary vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, embark on an unholy adventure for which even their worst nightmares have not prepared them.
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
"Dracula" is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula"s attempt to move from Transylvania to England so he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing. Dracula has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel and invasion literature. Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form, and the novel has spawned numerous theatrical, film and television interpretations. Abraham "Bram" Stoker (8 November 1847 – 20 April 1912) was an Anglo-Irish author, best known today for his 1897 Gothic novel, Dracula. During his lifetime, he was better known as the personal assistant of actor Henry Irving and business manager of the Lyceum Theatre in London, which Irving owned.
Dracula (Illustrated)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Dracula is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. It introduced the character of Count Dracula, and established many conventions of subsequent vampire fantasy. The novel tells the story of Dracula"s attempt to move from Transylvania to England so that he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and of the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and a woman led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing. Dracula has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel, and invasion literature. The novel has spawned numerous theatrical, film, and television interpretations.
The Lair of the White Worm (Illustrated)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
When Adam Salton arrives at his grand-uncle"s Derbyshire estate he quickly senses that a macabre and malevolent force is at work. In his attempts to uncover the grisly mystery he encounters the chilling Lady Arabella and the obsessive Edgar Caswall, each harbouring their own dark and dreadful desires. To his horror, Adam discovers that something hideous is living in the grounds of nearby Castra Regis, something that feeds on the flesh of humans. And so begins a terrifying quest to destroy the evil lurking in their midst…
Dracula (1897)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
The original 1897 edition. DRACULA is an 1897 Gothic horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker. Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula"s attempt to move from Transylvania to England so he may find new blood and spread the undead curse, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing. DRACULA has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel and invasion literature. Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form, and the novel has spawned numerous theatrical, film and television interpretations. The tale begins with Jonathan Harker, a newly qualified English solicitor, visiting Count Dracula in the Carpathian Mountains on the border of Transylvania, Bukovina, and Moldavia, to provide legal support for a real estate transaction overseen by Harker"s employer. At first enticed by Dracula"s gracious manners, Harker soon realizes that he is Dracula"s prisoner. Wandering the Count"s castle against Dracula"s admonition, Harker encounters three female vampires, called "the sisters," from whom he is rescued by Dracula. After the preparations are made, Dracula leaves Transylvania and abandons Harker to the sisters. Harker barely escapes from the castle with his life . . .
Le Joyau des sept étoiles
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Pour la première fois, le texte original de ce roman fantastique de Stoker est publié dans son intégralité ! Assailli dans une pièce entièrement close par quelque chose ou quelqu’un, un éminent égyptologue est plongé dans un étrange état cataleptique. Puis, peu après, au même endroit, certains objets précieux disparaissent pendant que d’autres reviennent dans de troublantes et inexplicables conditions. Et, tandis que le mystère grandit, d’autres malédictions resurgissent, dont une sous la forme d’une main momifiée. Une main pourvue de sept doigts. Une main où scintillent d’extraordinaires joyaux, semblables à des étoiles… Le Joyau des Sept Étoiles (1903) est présenté ici pour la première fois dans sa version intégrale. En effet, la seule traduction disponible en langue française était amputée d’environ un tiers du texte original, supprimant ainsi l’efficacité des descriptions que Stoker s’était appliqué à donner de cette descente dans les abîmes de l’effroi. Une deuxième fin est également proposée pour la première fois au lecteur français. Il ne s’agit pas ici de vampirisme, mais l’horreur atteint, dans ce superbe roman, des sommets — ou plutôt des gouffres — d’angoisse inattendus. EXTRAIT Tout cela paraissait si réel que j’avais peine à imaginer que cela se soit produit antérieurement et cependant, chaque épisode survenait, non pas comme une étape nouvelle dans l’enchaînement logique des faits, mais comme une chose à laquelle on s’attend. C’est de cette façon que la mémoire joue ses tours pour le bien ou pour le mal, pour le plaisir ou pour la douleur, pour le bonheur ou pour le malheur. C’est ainsi que la vie est un mélange de douceur et d’amertume et que ce qui a été devient éternel. De nouveau, le léger esquif, cessant de fendre les eaux tranquilles comme lorsque les avirons brillaient et ruisselaient d’eau, quitta le violent soleil de juillet pour glisser dans l’ombre fraîche des grandes branches de saules qui retombaient — j’étais debout dans le bateau qui oscillait, elle était assise immobile et, de ses doigts agiles, elle écartait les branches égarées, se protégeait des libertés que prenaient les rameaux sur notre passage. De nouveau, l’eau paraissait être d’un brun doré sous le dôme de verdure translucide, et la rive était recouverte d’une herbe couleur d’émeraude. De nouveau, nous étions là dans l’ombre fraîche, avec les mille bruits de la nature se produisant à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de notre retraite, se fondant dans ce murmure somnolent qui fait oublier les ennuis bouleversants et les joies non moins bouleversantes du monde immense. De nouveau, dans cette solitude bénie, la jeune fille oubliant les conventions de son éducation première rigoriste, me parla avec naturel et sur un ton rêveur de la solitude qui assombrissait sa nouvelle existence. Elle me fit ressentir, avec une grande tristesse, comment dans cette vaste maison chaque personne se trouvait isolée du fait de la magnificence de son père et de la sienne, car, en ces lieux, disait-elle, la confiance n’avait pas d’autel, la sympathie pas de sanctuaire. Le visage de son père paraissait aussi lointain que semblait à présent lointaine la vie du vieux pays. A PROPOS DE L’AUTEUR Après une jeunesse précaire et difficile, Bram Stoker se lança dans le journalisme ses études terminées. C’est en 1871 que lui vint l’idée de ce qui allait devenir un des plus célèbres romans de littérature fantastique, Dracula (1897). Mais la carrière littéraire de Bram Stoker ne s’arrêta pas là, et il rédigea de nombreuses autres œuvres, malheureusement occultées par le succès de Dracula, parmi lesquelles Le Joyau des Sept Étoiles, disponible pour la première fois en version intégrale dans la collection Terres Fantastiques, et Le Repaire du Ver blanc. Bram Stoker mourut à Londres.
Le Repaire du Ver blanc
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Découvrez le dernier roman écrit par Bram Stoker Qui est Lady Arabella, et quel ignoble secret la lie-t-elle pour l’éternité au Ver blanc qui hante le coin tranquille de l’Angleterre où vient de débarquer Adam Salton ? Par quelle ruse le jeune homme pourrait-il sauver la jolie Mimi Watford des griffes du monstre tapi dans les entrailles de la terre ? Jusqu’à quelle fantastique découverte les mènera leur hallucinante enquête à travers l’histoire, la géologie et la biologie ? De même que pour Le Joyaux aux Sept Étoiles, également paru dans la collection Terres Fantastiques, la traduction de ce classique a été révisée et complétée, car un quart de l’ouvrage restait inédit en France à ce jour. Un an avant sa mort, l’auteur de Dracula publiait Le Repaire du Ver blanc, un petit bijou de macabre et d’horreur EXTRAIT Lorsque Adam Salton arriva au Great Eastern Hotel, il y trouva une lettre écrite de la main de son grand-oncle, Richard Salton, qu’il connaissait fort bien grâce à la correspondance fournie et chaleureuse que celui-ci lui avait déjà envoyée en Australie- Occidentale. La première de ces lettres datait de moins d’un an, et le vieux gentleman lui révélait leur parenté et lui expliquait qu’il n’avait pu lui écrire plus tôt car, ne connaissant même pas son existence, il avait mis du temps à trouver son adresse. La dernière, partie après lui, venait tout juste d’arriver et contenait une cordiale invitation à le rejoindre à Lesser Hill, et à y séjourner aussi longtemps qu’il lui serait possible. « En vérité, poursuivait son grand-oncle, j’espère que vous voudrez bien en faire votre demeure permanente. Voyez-vous, mon cher enfant, vous et moi sommes les derniers survivants de notre lignée, et ce n’est que justice que vous me succédiez lorsque le moment arrivera. En cette année de grâce 1860, je vais avoir quatre-vingts ans et, bien que nous appartenions à une famille qui vit longtemps, le temps d’une vie ne peut se poursuivre au-delà des limites raisonnables. Je suis disposé à vous aimer, et à rendre votre séjour avec moi aussi heureux que vous le désirerez. Aussi, venez dès que vous aurez reçu cette lettre, et trouvez la bienvenue que j’attends de vous souhaiter. J’envoie, au cas où cela rendrait les choses plus aisées pour vous, une traite de 500 livres. Venez bientôt, pour que nous puissions tous deux passer quelques jours heureux ensemble. Cela est pour moi de la plus haute importance car il ne me reste plus guère d’années à vivre ; mais en ce qui vous concerne, j’ai bon espoir qu’une longue et heureuse vie vous attend. Si vous êtes en mesure de me donner le plaisir de vous voir, envoyez-moi le plus tôt possible une lettre qui me dise quand vous attendre. Puis, lorsque vous arriverez à Plymouth, ou à Southampton, ou bien encore à quelque autre port où vous accosterez, attendez à bord et je vous rejoindrai à la première heure. » A PROPOS DE L’AUTEUR Bram Stoker est né à Dublin en 1847. Après une jeunesse précaire et difficile, il se lança dans le journalisme ses études terminées. En 1871 lui vint l’idée de ce qui allait devenir un des plus célèbres romans de littérature fantastique, Dracula (1897). Il rédigea de nombreuses autres œuvres, parmi lesquelles Le Joyau des Sept Étoiles, disponible pour la première fois en version intégrale dans la collection Terres Fantastiques, et Le Repaire du Ver blanc. Il mourut à Londres en 1912.