
458 Words
I sighed hard as I looked at Calyx Francis—this human I stupidly fell for. He’s staring at me like I am some kind of puzzle that he couldn’t solve. From the moment he asked me to cry, I already know what he wanted from me. He wanted diamonds. And I gave him diamonds because I thought I would please him if did that. But it turns out that I wrong. Humans…they don’t know how to be contented. They don’t know how fulfilling it is to be happy with what they already have. They always want for more…and then more…and then more after that. I hated how they live their lives. They shouldn’t live their lives like that. They should always live happily but I know it’s impossible. Humans are born to dream. And their dreams make them ambitious of things they couldn’t have. Dreams make them want for more than what they deserve. “What’s wrong, Vaughna?” Calyx asked me. I pursed my lip in a thin line. My invisible wings are flapping. I want to fly away. I want to go away from him. I want to go back to Paradise. I know The Power wanted me to accomplish something that’s why He sent me here but I don’t understand why out of billions of people, he sent me to this obnoxiously ambitious man. “I’ve ran out of tears,” I told him in a straight face. Usually, we, angels, have the greatest tempers. But being with Calyx Francis for fifty-eight days, mine must have shortened by more than half, too. Calyx looked at me worriedly. “Are you okay?” he asked in a soft voice, before taking a step closer to me. I took a step back and looked at my feet. Why would he act worried now? Didn’t he make sure that I am not as important as Naomi to him? He’s always chosen that woman over me. But now that I am telling him that I can’t cry diamonds anymore, he’s looking at me like he knows what I feel. “Just…leave for now,” I told him, almost breathless and inaudible. My chest is constricting so hard while I can hear my heart breaking into tiny pieces. I heard him take a deep breath before hearing footsteps going far and farther from me. I heard the door closing and that’s when I slumped down and cried so hard as the diamonds bounced from the cold tiles of the floor. 
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