Chapter seven

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Chapter seven The Battle of Bengarl’s BlightI said, “It’s pointless to call for volunteers.” “Naturally,” agreed Delia. “So I shall just have to choose a few likely lads.” “And lasses, of course.” “Oh, of course.” She eyed me. We were taking the first breakfast, of bosk rashers and fried eggs and enormous quantities of the superb Kregan tea, and dishes of palines to follow. Her look quite clearly summed me up. “You need not try to slip away by yourself. And I shall bring my best girls. As Dee Sheon is my witness, Dray Prescot, I’m not having you run your fool head into that she-leem’s lair without—” “I know, I know,” I groaned. “Well, I’m going,” said Targon the Tapster, “and that’s settled.” The other commanders of ESW and EYJ all chimed in saying that of course they would go.

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