Chapter five

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Chapter five I inspect the zorca linesMy lad Drak flew up to see me at the camp of the Well of Parting. Delia and I shared a simple tent — oh, yes, true, it was a trifle more grand than any of the others; but as Deft-Fingered Minch pointed out, I was, after all, the fellow the people had chosen to be emperor and so I ought to make a bit of a show for their sakes. Deft-Fingered Minch, a trusted comrade and a kampeon of great renown, was the man in command of the folk who cared for me on campaign. Delia’s own arrangements were equally Spartan. She was aglow with happiness at seeing her son again and as they embraced I own I felt that silly but wonderfully understandable family pride in love and affection. Drak looked tremendous. He was a big and powerful man, solidly built yet lithe and q

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