Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen“That,” I said, with a stupid and rather comical attempt at princely arrogance, “will be that confounded Khibil Farantino, may the True Trog rot him.” “There is more than one,” observed Larghos. “True,” I conceded in your true princely condescending way. “The rast will have cajoled his friends into helping him. He fancies his honor has been slighted. The zigging great onker!” I finished, somewhat peevishly. We slowed down and finally stopped. My three new comrades waited to see what this braggart prince would do. I stepped forward. I shouted. I used the old foretop hailing voice and I put spite and venom into my words. “Come out, you crawling creeping horror! Come on, come on. Stand up! Step out! Let’s see you!” The bushes swayed and metal clinked against metal. Largh

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