Chapter five

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Chapter five The hissing of the Star Lords’ chairHow terrible to live in a world without color! Or, rather, given the universal prodigality of Nature’s palette, a world in which you could not see and appreciate color. To live in a monochrome world... The sheeting lights, rippling and undulating across the sky, the streaming mingled radiance of the Suns of Scorpio, jade and ruby, illuminating everything in fires of crimson and emerald — nothing. You’d see nothing of this in a world without color... You’d see a pale ghost rising in the sky as the first of Kregen’s seven Moons, The Maiden with the Many Smiles, lifted over the horizon. Her pinkish radiance flooded down, adding to the lighting of the world. Soon she was joined by her sister, She of the Veils, whose more mellow golden and ro

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