Chapter six

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Chapter sixWell, as I may have remarked before, any desert is unpleasant to the unwary and salt deserts are worse than most. This specimen of salt desert was referred to bitterly as the Gleek Frankai. The good folk of Meimgarum made a living preparing travelers to cross the desert and of repairing them once they had crossed from the west. All our saddle and draught animals were sold and the carts and carriages with them. No great noble would bring his own personal coach on this journey knowing it must be sold. We hired slounchers, animals that, I suppose, must be regarded as Loh’s form of camel. Being of Kregen, of course, they had eight legs and three humps; but otherwise their morphology followed the necessities of desert living, like an Earthly camel. Some were exceedingly bad-tempered

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