Chapter fourteen

1745 คำ

Chapter fourteenWhat a mess! This was a completely unwanted complication. There was absolutely no question of my winning, of keeping the purse I so desperately needed for myself, and of presenting the Aigrette to Rodders for his lady. That would demean his honor. Oh, no. Where honor and pride in shooting skills are concerned, you walk over live coals. I have very little truck with pride, as you know, and as for honor: mine may be a chameleon beastie, it remains intact in those areas of importance to me. So, I made up my mind on a course of action. Yes, very well. I, Dray Prescot, Lord of Strombor, Krzy, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam, chickened out. Huang and Rodders were left to shoot it out as my last shaft hit the spot at which I’d aimed, a spot a good thumb outside the aiming mark. “Ha

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