Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelveLunky took his duties as a Diviner with the utmost gravity. This was what one would expect both of him and of a Diviner. Together with the other two Diviners, they must now discover the queen in the body of a new born baby. The funeral ceremonies, given the beliefs in reincarnation of these people, were lavish. Not one but two bundles of wood were used for the queen’s cremation fire, and the coffin, which was painted tastefully with scenes from Gilium, actually had a corner quite badly burned. I, for one, did not miss the irony of the paintings of Gilium on a coffin containing a paol-ur-bliem, a person accursed, sentenced to return a hundred times to Kregen before being allowed into the heavenly paradise of Gilium. Trylon Kuong, well-recovered, proved himself worthy of tak

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