Chapter eight-1

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Chapter eight We plot against the QueenWe threw ourselves into the business of plotting against Queen Fahia with tremendous zest. We did go to see Vad Noran, and Tyfar convinced the nobleman that I was not a queen’s man, that I worked for Prince Tyfar of Hamal, and that we ardently wished to assist Vad Noran in any way we could. He preened and primped and, because it was the easiest course, accepted our proposals. Money lay near the heart, of course, but the promise of swords tipped the balance. No wonder Noran had been flustered when I’d suggested I worked for Queen Fahia! No wonder he’d tried to have me assassinated! Now he was revealed in his true colors, his attitude changed. We were all conspirators together. I had given Tyfar and Jaezila the impression I worked for their mad Empr

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