Chapter eight

2619 คำ

Chapter eightI, Dray Prescot, Lord of Strombor, Krozair of Zy, King of Djanduin, Hyr Kov of Zamra, Strom of Valka, Vovedeer (and a lot else, Opaz forgive me!), ex Emperor of Vallia, solemnly daubed green greasepaint all over my face, donned a large and scarlet false nose, and finally hung huge donkey ears about my own. I dressed myself in a confection of red and green and yellow and blue, of bows and folderols, of laces and ribbons, and, finally, I took up a parti-colored stick with an inflated bladder attached. Thus armed, I strode out onto the stage to entertain the good folk of the caravan. I was, as you will readily perceive, the butt of the farce. Very quickly my bladder was taken from me by a succession of actors and actresses and I was thoroughly and repeatedly hit over the head

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