Chapter five

1865 คำ

Chapter five“If,” said Rollo with a fine judicial air, “we’d brought the voller with us we would not have got into that unpleasant fight.” Rollo the Runner hailed from Loh, where airboats were more uncommon than seeing the seven moons of Kregen turning blue. He had learned to pilot an airboat skillfully, yet it was interesting to note how he still pronounced the word voller with such meticulous care. “Oh, aye,” said Seg in his fine free way, riding his zorca with the easy nonchalance of perfect knowledge and skill in zorca handling. “Oh, surely. But, Rollo, you’d have us miss that little scrap? And you so keen about your archery.” Rollo, as a Wizard of Loh, had come on a great deal in the magical arts since he’d been tutored by our comrade Wizards of Loh. Still, he hankered to be a gre

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