The Chieftain Without a Heart

155 คำ
The Chieftain Without a HeartThe Duke of Strathnarn arrived in Scotland in a furious temper. He had left his home when he was sixteen because of the brutality of his father and had no intention of ever returning. But a letter from his Comptroller relates news which is so serious that he is obliged to go North. On arrival at the Castle he discovers his nephew and heir is the prisoner of a neighbouring clan who are the age-old enemies of the McNarns. The Kilcraig Chieftain will only negotiate with the Chieftain of the McNarns and the Duke is forced to visit him at his castle. How to avoid humiliation and the public disgrace of his clan, how the Duke has to agree to a bargain which fills him with horror and how it brings violence, drama and finally romance to his castle and to himself, is told in this 225th book by Barbara Cartland.
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