Chapter seven

1302 คำ

Chapter sevenInstantly, I knew what had to be done. Since the Time of Troubles in this new liberated Vallia a number of political parties had been formed, flourished, and withered. Nowadays anybody could belong to any political party they wished; there was no crime in that. The Racter Party was perfectly legal. What they wanted was, in my view, totally illegal. The lantern light fell across this fellow Logan Verlan. The hatbrim shaded the upper portion of his face revealing the thin mouth beneath what looked like two knitting needles. I recalled in a flash my bungled attempts at knitting there on the high balcony of Esser Rarioch and I sighed. Was that so long ago? Still, when the Star Lords call, up you go, my friend. This habit of beeswaxing moustaches so that they resemble needles i

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