Chapter five

1532 คำ

Chapter five Two PaktunsA theory formed itself in my head. Now theories are tricky beasts and can land a fellow in all kinds of trouble if he’s not careful. Still, the probability of this particular theory being valid struck me as quite high. I wouldn’t pitch it any stronger than that. Among the flim-flammery of gaudy silks and sashes brought along from the flutsman’s kit I drew out a scarf of green and blue eye-watering silkiness, with silver edgings. None of this stuff was being worn, for obvious reasons. I wanted these people to take me for a simple paktun and not a reiving flutsman. The silver came away as the point of my dagger probed it free. I twisted up some of the strands into a special spiral arrangement, one I knew and loathed. Together with the snip of feather I’d taken fr

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