Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve Nalgre the PointOby, Dwaby and Sosie Fintle set me down safely into a small woodland some way inside the borders of Falkerdrin. Triplets are not all that common on Kregen, twins being far more common than they are on Earth, and the Fintle triplets provided an interesting study for the student of genetics. They were alike as three peas in a pod, except for the fact that Sosie was a girl. They belonged to my secret group of agents, and they’d been trained by Naghan Raerdu, who was a spy par excellence. His attitude was either to go invisible, or to go big. He, himself, habitually went big, and yet could become inconspicuous on the spot if needs be — when he laughed. These triplets were of the invisible variety; once seen never remembered. They handled the flier I’d prised o

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