Seg the Bowman

212 คำ
Seg the BowmanSeg the Bowman is the story, complete in itself, of the finest archer of two worlds, a man courageous and resolute in the face of adversity, a wild, fey, reckless fellow, blade comrade to Dray Prescot, a man of parts. Of Seg Segutorio it has been said that perhaps he is too kind-hearted for the harsher aspects of the world of Kregen. Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four hundred light years from Earth, is indeed a harsh world; but it is also beautiful and mysterious, exotic and immensely rewarding, where many a dream may be realized, many a nightmare become reality. The story begins where Seg and Dray Prescot and a party of adventurers have successfully quitted a maze of monsters and sorcery. Prescot is called away by the Star Lords, as related in Fires of Scorpio. Now Seg steps forward into fresh adventures wherein he discovers the passionate problems of agreeing to act as the lady Milsi’s knightly protector. The warmth and pride suffusing Dray Prescot’s words as he tells the story of Seg Segutorio confirm the powerful friendship between the two and illuminates their mutual loyalty. For they are blade comrades upon the haunting world of Kregen beneath the streaming mingled radiance of the Suns of Scorpio. Alan Bun Akers
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