Chapter three

1750 คำ

Chapter threeI did not think. There was no time to think. Only afterwards could words be found to express what occurred. Everything was instinct, an instinct trained and honed by the Disciplines of the Krozairs of Zy. Mul-lu-Manting, afterwards, was of little help. She could only say of what happened, whispering: “It was all a flurry. Arms and legs and blood and dust. I did not really look.” As for myself, I remember spurts and flashes of scarlet and yellow striking across my eyes, and the evil silver glint of the Star of Death flashing towards my face, and of the grunt the Kanzai made. To recollect violence in after days is not pleasant, either. What happened, I think, was this. There were two options open to me as the Shuriken swooped at me. The Kregans make their Stars of Death asy

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