Chapter six

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Chapter six Testing time in ParadiseMuch I was learning about the planet Kregen as it swung beneath its emerald and crimson suns, and this I feel would best be related when occasion arises, for I must speak of many wild and terrible things and deeds, for which to find a name is difficult. I would stand on the balcony of Maspero’s house when the twin suns had gone from the sky and stare upward. Kregen has seven moons, the largest almost twice the size of our own, the smallest a hurtling speck of light low over the landscape. Beneath the seven moons of Kregen I brooded long on the girl Delia of the Blue Mountains. Maspero was continuing to run his long series of tests on me. I had passed the first by successfully arriving at the city; and he still found amusement that I had enjoyed that vo

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