Chapter twelve

2072 คำ

Chapter twelve Chained before the Emperor of ValliaThey took me and bound me with iron chains, and our sorry coffle wended painfully down the mountain trails to the plains and so to the canal. I knew what was in store. I suppose, given that all things come to all men in the fullness of time, I had always known I would become a slave hauler and haul an Emperor’s barge. This was fitting. This was the circle of vaol-paol complete. The difference was that I and my comrades captured by mercenaries in the employ of the Emperor were noted brigands, outlaws, who had robbed the caravan of the Kov Vektor. The wedding gifts were lost and could not be found. I had no idea where they were, and — with a heartfelt relief that had nothing to do with the fact that I would not suffer — I learned that we

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