Author’s Note

130 คำ
Author’s NoteThe facts in this novel about Joseph Lister and his discovery of antiseptics are correct, as are references to the Gaiety Theatre. Arthur, the legendary British King of the Knights of the Round Table, has been a bone of contention among scholars for centuries. The 9th century Historia Britonurn referred to in the novel describes Arthur’s twelve battles against the Saxons, and the Annales Cambriae (c.950-1000), records the battle of Cambrian “in which Arthur and Medrant fell”. Alfred Tennyson further immortalised Arthur in verse, and I like to believe the French legends widely circularised in the 12th century – that Arthur never died but is waiting to return to save those who need him, when the world is overcome by evil. Perhaps that moment is not far away, when good will finally be victorious.
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