Chapter five

2911 คำ

Chapter fiveAs it turned out, the city to the north was Lakensmot. The city wall was neither particularly wide nor tall, but it was in excellent condition. The vollerdrome — or the lifterdrome as it was called here in Balintol — lay directly below the southern wall. It was dusty or muddy depending on the weather, a place where you could park your flier for four pieces of silver a night. The fellow who took my money and assigned me a place wrinkled up his face while considering the flier. He was a Brukaj with a chin like a bulldog, and a scowl, and he told me at once that he could not stand slavers. I agreed with him. Then we began to haggle in a friendly, enjoyable way for a while. Finally, we agreed on a trade. I parted with the Kataki’s prisoner lifter and got a nice little six-seater

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