Chapter one-3

1672 คำ

When a ruffianly crew of us went ashore for fresh water and firewood, Pompino roundly declared that, by Horato the Potent, he would spend the night on honest solid ground. A tent-like shelter was rigged, the fires were started, and the ship’s cook, the superb culinary artist Limki the Lame, with his assistants, prepared our evening meal. An anchor watch was left aboard Tuscurs Maiden, and we had to promise them their partners would oversee their share in the gold. Sharing out the treasure! Ah! That was now the single most important fact in all the universe to this bunch of rapscallions. The apparition of Mindi the Mad vanished to our shouted remberees. We could not hear her speak when she was in this trance state that allowed her spirit to visit us, and we doubted if she could hear us,

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