Fake it till you make it.

1210 Words

Arianna/Iris POV I wake up with a stiff neck from falling asleep on the sofa when I’m student upright panicked that I’m late for work. I groan as my neck revolts at the moment. I run to my bedroom and head straight for the shower in my ensuite. I wash my hair and my body as quickly as humanly possible. “f*****g men, always ruining my happy normal life” I whisper as I wrap a towel around my body and drag a brush through my hair. I step out into my bedroom and head towards my walk-in wardrobe. “Good morning princess” Mr Nob head himself, smug as pie say on my bed. “What do you want Marcus” I sigh and lean against the door. “Can’t a husband come and see his little runaway wife any more” he chuckles to himself. Laugh it up, f*****g comedian this one. “1 I’m not your wife. 2 I’m late

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