Chapter Eighteen

1411 Words

She was the beautiful dream I had been searching for. The one to wake me up. ~Atticus Cole I woke up with a banging in my head and one on my bedroom door. “Go the fûck away!” I grumbled but instead of going away, whoever was on the other side of the door entered my room. I slipped my head under the blanket, snippets of last night coming back to me and I groaned inwardly. I wanted to go back to the awesome fûcking dream I was having. Those blue eyes were peering down at me and her fûcking lap was the best mattress I had ever slept on. I wanted to jump back into that dream and forget about the reality. I heard the footsteps coming closer and squeezed my eyes shut. Fûck. I said, “We will talk later, Mad. I don’t need a lecture before the coffee.” “Then it’s a good thing I brought one.”

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