Chapter 19: Daddy Will Protect You.

2050 Words

ELIANA. “Eliana” “Eliana, I’m calling you. Where are you going?” When he reached for my arms, I turned back to face Denver. “Did you really have to come in?” I muttered under my breath. “I had it all under control. Now, Jaxon would be wondering what exactly is going on between the two of us that you had to step in and save the day” I scoffed, detaching my wrist from his. “That’s what you’re worried about?” His hands fell to his hips. “I already told you I can handle all of this by myself—“ “All of what?” He interrupted. “Jaxon!” I raised my voice. “I had it all under control.” “Yeah I clearly saw that” Denver remarked sarcastically and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Come on, Eliana. We’re already passed this. I said I was going to protect you and when I saw him enter the house, I step

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