Chapter 14: Murder In Oakland.

1982 Words

DENVER. I drove the car back to my Pack before coming to an abrupt halt. Pushing the door open, I stormed out of the vehicle and headed straight toward the chamber. My heart was pounding with a fiery rage and my footsteps were heavy enough to crush the dry, crisp leaves beneath my boots. I flung the front door open and the metal clang echoed the fury in my soul. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as Eliana's voice kept replaying in my head. "Maybe you're the enemy, Denver." Her words stung like an open wound. "I think it's better we just stay away from each other. You stay on your end and I stay on mine. We don't ever have to cross paths again." How could she think I was the one who killed Adam? Did she not have the slightest idea of who I was? Was I that ruthless a

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