
1084 Words

Kareni’s temporary kindness had been a nice reprieve. It’d bordered on tender. For whatever reason. I now found myself standing naked before her, while she worked a horsehair brush through my hip length strands. Working them until they were straight and shimmering. “Quite pretty when it’s clean. But you, you’re a mess.” She was leaned over looking at the side of one of my thighs. “You are quite literally covered in bruises.” “More often than not.” I stared forward. “We could powder those, I suppose. But not much point, it’ll be dark enough by the time you’re readied for him that there won’t be much light for him to see.” “Thank goodness for that.” I said dryly. Not much caring what he did or didn’t see. I’d become pretty desensitized to the idea of that a long time ago. Mor

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