Failed Negotiations

1157 Words

“Come back with me, Baby Girl. Don’t make me make you.” “Hell will freeze over before I go with you!” I shrieked up at him. “With the amount of ice coming off your little black heart, should happen soon enough.” He braced himself and caught my other wrist despite my efforts to wave it out of his reach. Adjusting his grip so both were in one of his large fists. He reached one thick thumb to swipe under my eye and collect the dampness from the outer corner before it could slip down my face. “You really did have a rough morning, didn’t you?” “I just want left alone.” His face flashed with what might have been sympathy. But it was gone as fast as I’d thought I’d seen it. “That’s never going to happen. You know that. There’s nothing I can do...” “You could leave me alone.” I softened.

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