
My Demon


Caeli plays with fate, and it decides to mock her.

Well... how could she expect that after performing a ritual an attractive boy with black hair and toxic eyes would appear in front of her?

How would the poor thing know that it was going to work and that handsome young man was going to be a demon?

And who could have told her that demon was going to be one of her biggest headaches?

Exactly, nobody. When fate acts, it never warns of what it will do. And from that ritual, the life of our young protagonist was no longer going to be the same.


The cover belongs to me. Art by me @GwenCreepy.


PG: +18

VOLUME 1: The Beginning [ONGOING]

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Volume 1: The Beggining; Prologue
Calmly, my right hand moved the pencil over the white and polished surface of the paper, letting the lead delicately caress the entire extension of the sheet and thus, I could capture the idea that had been running through my head for several weeks. I had spent all day drawing different types of figures, sketches and landscapes so that I could choose between them and give them to my teachers. I was bored, no doubt, but I couldn't do much more. Since my best friend, Akane, was busy. She said that she had to "study" for the most important exam of her entire career. The truth of the matter was that she was with her boyfriend, Curt Walker, one of the most prominent writers of the time in the United States - whose face many of his readers did not know-. And the truth is, I couldn't blame her for anything. I would have been with my partner instead so I could calm down and de-stress too, more so with the university exams. After a few seconds a sigh escaped my lips, I left my drawing instruments on the bed and calmly took the mobile phone that was on the bedside table next to my bed. As soon as I saw the time another sigh escaped my lips, it was too early even to eat. With regret, I threw my body backwards, deadlifted, and almost merged with the bed when I saw that only a few hours had passed and there was still too much day ahead for my mother to come home from work. I left the phone where seconds before it had been and taking the sketchbook again I refocused on what I was doing. I still had a lot of work ahead of me and I could take advantage of the day that remained. Or at least that's what I tried. At that moment, I felt something begin to roll up my leg, making my eyes go there, watching as a thin tail began to surround it. "What do you want?" I spoke sharply and looked up to find piercing, toxic eyes with sharp pupils looking at me with amusement. "I'm bored angel~, how about we have some fun?" The creature that took my leg asked me in that mocking tone with a mischievous smile, showing me those perfect, pearly teeth, from which sharp fangs protruded. But in the face of the imposed nickname and also with that gesture that irritated me so much, I had to stop the progress of my work. I put my things aside, and calmly tried to get away from the dark-haired person staring at me. “I'll only say it once. Don’t... come closer,” I ordered, leaning further and further back on the bed, freeing myself from the grip of the tail of that man and looking for an escape while he continued to approach as a predator would do to its prey. "You were the one who made the pact with me, you must face the consequences," his tail, which quickly became entangled again in my leg, pulled it hard and left me lying on the bed. A small scream had escaped my lips, causing me to close my eyes by the action of that man. I felt how the body of his rested on mine, his knee between my legs and both arms on both sides of my head preventing me from moving. When I opened my eyes I found that intense look of an intoxicating green, which did not leave me for an instant. “Now, let me collect a small part of what will belong to me in the future, will you?” He asked, starting to get closer and closer to my face, specifically, to my lips. For my part, instead of freezing, I frowned and muttered: “Gatto cattivo.” With one hand on the chest of the man I pushed my assailant away, and with the other hand free, I took the crucifix that I wore around my neck, bringing it close to the face of the man. The moment I blinked, he was no longer on my person, I rejoined and looked around me and when I found him, I smiled slyly when I saw him clinging to the ceiling with his claws, showing me his fangs. “Damn you, human! I told you not to wear that while I'm here!" He yelled at me, furious and frustrated that he had not achieved his goal. "I never said I was going to let you do anything to me," a hiss escaped his lips, and instantly he transformed himself into a beautiful cat with huge green eyes, which lay near the window with its ears down. “That's better.” Well, to be able to shed some light on the matter, that cat that seconds ago was a handsome dark-haired man, with elongated horns, tail, sharp fangs and pointed ears, it’s a demon and his name is Thomirchotch... A complicated name, right? I call him Tom to abbreviate his strange name and not feel so uncomfortable with him. How did he get here? It's too long a story that you would only understand if I told you about it from the beginning. You see, I had never believed in magic. Much less in the existence of supernatural beings such as demons. So you can imagine my face when suddenly, after an "invocation" -which I didn't even think would be effective-, a boy, or rather, a demon appeared in front of me, to say that he would grant any wish in exchange for my soul. And now for being so stupid he's living in my room. Honestly, luck wasn't on my side.

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