Chapter 7

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Julie's POV: Okay, not exactly the way I was hoping for this to go. I was not trying to sleep with him, just distract him enough to get the key, somehow get out from under him and out that door. Having him over me, holding me down just so he can have a quick f**k wasn't in my plans. I had to act fast and do something before I regreted my decision in seducing him so I could get out of here. I know it's a risk trying to get out of here but it's a risk I needed to take. At this point, I didn't care if it got Dylan killed. In my eyes, he is no different than the man who wants to sell me in the first place or any of the buyers out there, praying on the young and helpless. I am not going to be one of those weak, helpless victims. I plan on fighting till my last breath! I built up as much saliva as I could and I spit into his face as forcefully as possible. It was just enough of a distraction for him to forget why he had my wrists held down. He pulled back just a little so he could take his hand that had a hold of my wrists and use the back of it to wipe his face. I took that as my moment and grabbed the lamp that was sitting on the end table behind my head and beside the couch and I swung it as hard as I possibly could, even though I was a little restricted with the back of the couch beside me, and into the side of his face. I hit him with enough force that he tumbled to the side of the couch, causing him to get a little tied up in his jeans, like I had hoped, and fell to the floor. While he was still a little disoriented, I took that same lamp, that now had a shattered bulb, and hit him again while he was on the ground. I heard him moan in pain as I tossed the lamp to the floor, telling me that he was still conscious and that I needed to get out of there quickly. I reached into that pocket he had put the key into and pulled it out. "Julianne! Stop! You don't understand what will happen if you try to get out of here!" I heard him shout, but I didn't care as I opened the door, locked it from the inside again before I shut it behind me. I vaguely remembered how we got to this room so I took off down the hallway in the direction that I had thought we had come from. I ran as hard as I could, my shirt halfway open but I didn't care. At this point, I just wanted out of here. I ran around the corner and ran right into something hard like a concrete wall, knocking me completely off of my feet and falling to the floor a few feet from the man. I slowly looked up at him, my eyes wide in fear of what he would do to me. He was huge! Well over six feet tall, anyway, with broad shoulders and apparently a very solid chest that I now know about from experience. He looked younger than Dylan, maybe his early 20's but somehow a whole lot deadlier. His dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail and the sides of his head were shaved. He was tattooed all over his neck, head and appeared to have gone down his arms and torso from what I could see. His bottom lip was also pierced with a loop ring. The most distinctive feature about him was this awful scar that ran down the side of his left cheek, changing the look of that side of his face. "s**t, I'm sorry," I said quickly in hopes that I didn't piss him off and was about to get up on my own when he reached his hand out to me to help me up. "Don't be. I didn't watch where I was going." He told me in a deep voice that put goosebumps all over my body. "Julianne!" I heard my name once I was on my feet and I looked back and saw Dylan running down the hall towards me as he tried to pull his jeans up and button them. "I...I gotta go!" I whisper yelled and ran around the man standing in front of me. "A Dylan, you know what happens when the merchandise gets away. Maybe next time you won't try to taint the sale with your limp dick." I heard that man say with a chuckle. "f**k you!" Dylan yelled at him and for some reason, I turned the moment I heard Dylan talk back. The moment the words left Dylan's mouth, that man's fist came up and slammed into his face as he ran past him. Dylan's feet kept going forward due to the momentum of his run while the top half fell backward to the floor. Dylan was out cold, lying there with blood running out of his nose. "If I could, I would kill you all." I heard that man mumble under his breath and turn to look back at me. A wink of his eye with a devilish smirk told me he did that on purpose, just to aid in my escape. I mouthed the words 'thank you' and I turned and ran the rest of the way down the hallway till I reached that staircase I recall coming up with Dylan. I skidded around the corner of the stairs and hit the first step wrong, causing me to fall forward. I was able to grab the railing as I slid down the first couple of steps. My heart was racing from my near fall down the stairs that were at least a good ten or more feet in height. The floors below were stone and so were the stairs which was probably why I slipped coming off of the wood floor of the floor above. That fall I'm sure would have broken something in my body if not killed me. Something I really can't be dealing with right now. I continued my way down the stairs, holding tightly to the railing the entire way down, and ran through the room to one of the hallways. I decided to choose one that we did not come out of because I didn't want to go back to where the cells were at and I knew there were several guards over there. I opened the first door that wasn't locked and shut the door behind me. I screamed when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a hard chest. His hand went over my mouth to keep me from making any more noise and his other arm was around my body, holding me in place. "Do you have any idea what happens to the ones who get loose?" He said softly into my ear as his facial hair scratched the side of my neck. I shook my head violently and he chuckled deep in his throat. "It depends on how much the boss thinks you are going to be worth. If he feels you are a loss, death is the outcome." He said and I felt the tears start to burn my eyes. I wasn't informed of how much they thought I would bring in so I don't know if I would be worth much or not. I was scared that because I was older than his usual victims, that my worth will be small. I was scared of the idea of dying. "But, if he feels he could make a decent amount from you, then you just get roughed up a bit as a punishment for trying to get away and then put into the next auction. Regardless of your fate, your handler or collector's fate will be the same, death." He informed me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around and pushed me up against the wall next to the door that I had come through. He was middle-aged with a lot of greying hair. He had a full face of hair and brown eyes. He wasn't a lot taller than I was but he was pretty muscular. Every man in this business appears to have a lot of muscle. I guess in a way, they need to be fit and strong. "How much is your starting price?" He asked me. "I don't know. He didn't say." I told him. He leaned back a little and started to look over my body. I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp but he just squeezed hard and pressed his hand against the wall more to keep me in place. "Well, I can tell by looking at your face, you aren't that young but, you obviously have no t**s which will help in the auction. You do appear to pull off the schoolgirl look which will also aid in your price." He started to say as if he was assessing the price he could get from me if he was going to sell me himself. I gasped in shock when I felt his hand grab a hold of me in my womanhood and he started to rub his fingers over me. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from him. "Are you a virgin?" He asked me as he continued to fondle me and I slowly nodded my head. "Good, that will increase your value." He told me and pulled his hand away and pulled me off of the wall. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him as he dragged me through the door. "Back to Tony. He will decide what will happen to you." He told me as he pulled me through the house. I didn't exactly go with him willingly but on more than one occasion, he reminded me that I wasn't going to get away from him. He didn't hit me or anything but he made sure that my arm felt the pressure of his strength. As we walked closer to Tony's office the more men were seen. They all looked at me as if they knew what I had done and that I was heading to have my fate decided for me. None of them gave me a look of pity but they also didn't appear to really care about what was going to happen to me. To them, I was just merchandise just like I am to Tony. The man that was dragging me would nod occasionally to each of them and they would nod back at him. I had no idea who he was but he did give off the impression that he was some kind of big shot here. We got to the door to the office and there were a few guards standing outside. They just nodded and opened the door for us to walk through. "I don't particularly appreciate you coming in here and knocking my man out cold." I heard Tony say as we walked into the room. "He got in the way of my fist." I heard a familiar voice say. "Ah, the cause of my man's face getting pulverized," Tony said as his eyes fell on me. The man turned around to look at who had walked in and that's when I recognized him! He was the same man I saw punch Dylan for me. The moment his eyes locked on mine, I could see the disappointment in them for the fact that I was caught again. "Maybe next time he will keep his c**k in his pants." That man said as he looked back at Tony and then turned to walk out of the room as my eyes followed him out. He didn't say or do anything else, just continued his way out of the office as if our little encounter had never happened. I guess in this world you get one chance to get away and I blew it. If only I knew my way around a little better but unfortunately, even if I did, I don't think I would have been able to get out of here without someone spotting me. It was heavily guarded on the outside from what I saw and as we walked to get here, there were a lot of guards just wandering around as well. "So, you thought you'd be able to get away?" Tony asked and my head snapped back in his direction. I didn't say anything back to him even though he asked me a question. I didn't know what to say. How do you talk to someone like this? Instead of him insisting on me answering him, or asking me more questions, he just turned to his phone on his desk and hit a button. "Bring me, Dylan Wright." He said into the phone. He walked around his desk and over to where we were standing. His eyes looked me over as if he was trying to find some kind of defect on me. At about that time that he was done inspecting me for the second time, the door behind us opened. I looked over my shoulder and saw Dylan getting brought in by one of the guards. Dylan's face looked really bad. The blood was never cleaned up, his nose was bruised horribly and the right side of his face was swelling up. That was a hell of a hit from that man if you ask me and I'm surprised that Dylan is even awake after it and not in the hospital in a coma or something. "Sir, I'm sorry, I let my guard down because of how well she was behaving and she managed to run when I was behind the camera." Dylan started to lie in hopes to save his own skin. Tony pulled out a gun and pointed it right between Dylan's eyes. "Lying, Dylan, isn't going to save you. You know the consequences if you lose one." Tony said I heard the click of his gun. There was no time to try to change his mind. The moment his gun was ready, he pulled the trigger. Dylan fell to the floor with a bullet in his chest and he was coughing up blood. I stood there in shock as I watched the blood come up out of his mouth and get splattered all over as he coughed. "You didn't just run out of there." Tony suddenly said, causing me to look back over at him and the gun was now pointing at me. My bottom lip started to tremble as my eyes focused on the barrel of the gun. I was at a loss for words, the tears were falling from my eyes and my life started to flash before my eyes. Images of my mother when she was alive, playing games with my sister when we were little, and getting piggyback rides from my dad, even all of the fights Kayla and I had all came rushing back as I felt death knocking at my door. "You will answer me if you want to have a chance to live another day," Tony said when I didn't respond back to him. "No, I didn't," I told him and looked past the gun and over at him. "Was he trying to rape you?" Tony asked. I suddenly wondered if Dylan in fact was trying to rape me, would that be what I needed to stay alive? Lie about what had actually happened? "The room has signs of a struggle. Your jacket is gone and your shirt is mostly open. Either you were seducing him to distract him so you could get away, or he was trying to rape you which caused you to run. Answer it carefully my dear as only one of them will save your life but neither of them will prevent your punishment for running." He told me and I slowly nodded my head. "He tried to rape me," I told him, hoping that my lie was believable and that he didn't think I was trying to seduce Dylan. I felt relieved and frightened at the same time when he spoke his next words. "Take her to have her picture taken for her profile and then to the interrogation room. Roughen her up a bit and then send her to the cell block for a week with no food and just enough water to survive."
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