Chapter 9

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"Aren't you an adorable cat, my little brother?" Helga turned her head in Titan's direction. She c****d an eyebrow when her eyes landed on his neck and let out a snort. "Is this a new strange game you're playing now? And with whom?" She turned her head to look at Stephanie. "Her?" She looked at Titan once more, smiling. "Nonsense. It isn't her." Titan's face flushed, embarrassed. He was feeling uneasy as he pressed his fingers on the cat collar he was wearing. "Besides, it's none of your concern," he said as he glanced at Stephanie. "You know, it's not time to play games, Titan!" Simon interjected with his arm raised. His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes were glowering. Even though he wanted to ignore the cat collar Titan was wearing, knowing his best friend, he couldn't help but wonder why he was wearing it and who made him wear it in the first place. Simon's sudden transformation from a diplomatic man to a snarling beast startled Stephanie. It appeared as though she was having trouble reconciling the whimpering, helpless Simon with the Simon she was currently looking at. She became instantly aware of the seriousness of her error. Ms. Gonzales received a stern reprimand for failing to submit the report on time, which greatly displeased the executives. That increased her sense of accountability for her actions and all that she does for the business. She almost caused Ms. Gonzales to get into severe difficulty and was about to lose her job as a result of her error. Stephanie learned that working for The Sandoval Group means every mistake counts, and every mistake she does, it means delays. If there is a delay, the business will be responsible for every dollar that is lost to cover the cost of the rescheduling arrangements. And considering the repayment, she must make to Titan, that might have an impact on her income. Unfortunately, Stephanie was aware of her situation in this instance. Although she has reservations about the terms of her new internship contract, Titan may be justified in doing so given the seriousness of her mistake. The terms seemed more agreeable to her when she recalled Titan claiming that the apartment, the internship program, and the luxury she had been living in had even been offered at a reduced price. But in the end, she wasn't to blame. After all, Titan was the root of the problem. Stephanie pondered her "obnoxious" boss' peculiar behavior after recalling his embraces and offering of a place for her to live. Why was he acting that way, though? She couldn't understand how that could be. However, the more she considered what he had done, the more she came to the conclusion that Titan was acting honestly. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was his motivation. Titan scoffed and turned away, carrying the document in his hand, before returning to his desk. He set it down on the table before swiveling in his chair with his back against it. With his arms draping the armrest, he pulled his face up and looked at her. "Why are you here?" he asked in a cold baritone. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to the site, Simon?" He turned his face to look at the woman, raising an eyebrow, without saying a word to acknowledge her. Titan simply ignored her as he looked at Simon. "Why didn't you fire Ms. Gonzales for what she did, Titan?" Simon was almost screaming at the top of his lungs as if Titan's decision to keep Stephanie's former supervisor was surprising to him. "It is even a no-brainer decision for you. But why did you still keep her?" Stephanie was caught surprised by that and became aware of the harm she had done to Ms. Gonzales. She experienced a sharp twist in her gut when she thought back to the things Ms. Gonzales said in the office when she was being hit with the file folders. As she continued to hear the discussion, she pursed her lips. "Why would I do it if we still need her expertise for this company? Is there any other personnel who is as qualified as Ms. Gonzales? Someone great enough to replace her?" Titan replied nonchalantly while grabbing the newly signed contract he has with Stephanie and reviewing the terms she has written. "Even after what she has done? You know, this wouldn't be your decision at all. So, why?" Simon sputtered, walking closer to Titan's desk. Titan didn't say anything because he believed Simon was correct. Why was he keeping Ms. Gonzales when doing so seemed unlikely? He turned to face Stephanie as he silently observed their interaction. She was standing and looking at him with what appeared to be a worry. He then saw that she was fidgeting in the same way that she was playing with her hands that day when she was sitting in his car. "If the report was delivered on schedule, the board wouldn't have to feel let down. This business might have prevented the squandering of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of this silly error, we now have delays in our plans, and the contractors are furious," he paused, frantically scratching his head, before pointing at Titan. "But Ms. Gonzales never makes mistakes, is it? Do you believe that as she ages, she becomes less competent?" "You've said it yourself, Simon. It's unusual for Ms. Gonzales to make mistakes. We both know it's the first time she'd done something like this. And she has apologized for it. So, we're good. What's the problem now?" Titan responded as he turned the page, and when he finally came to the last page, he saw Stephanie's name with her signature. He scoffed at that while letting out a thin smile. "Why doesn't it seem a big deal to you?" Simon sputtered as he placed his hands on his waist. Titan remained silent as if he was unaffected by his best friend's complaints. Unable to organize his thoughts, Simon let out a loud exasperated sigh and turned to see Stephanie standing there. His eyes widened in shock while feeling embarrassed at the same time. He was covering his mouth, rubbing his palm against it as he slowly approached her. "Stephanie, what are you doing here?" he almost stuttered. Just before Stephanie could say a word, Titan interrupted. "Didn't you hear what I said earlier, Simon? She's my new intern." As soon as Simon heard it, he looked at Titan, seeming confused. "Aren't you serious about that, are you?" "I mean what I say, Simon." Dumbfounded, Simon looked at Stephanie again, who was looking more anxious than before as she continued fidgeting and looking down. When Titan noticed it, he felt worried for her. As he watched Simon approaching her, looking angrier than before, he stood with his eyes widened. "Weren't you the one responsible for the mistake, Ms. Reyes?" Simon pointed a finger at her, scanning her with his intense glowering eyes. "Look at you. I couldn't understand why Mr. Sandoval still wanted to keep you, and now under his wing?" Before Stephanie could answer, Titan noticed she was getting teary-eyed. Despite his struggle to find answers to Simon's sudden inquiry, he sighed. "Wasn't she on board, was she, Simon?" Simon turned his head and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Helga remained in silence while she was observing how the events unfolded with her arms crossed. She looked amused and worried by what she was watching in front of her, wondering what they were talking about. What was being "on board" mean? "Maybe, you've forgotten, it was your idea to have Stephanie with me at all times." Titan walked toward Simon and stood in front of him as he looked at Simon's eyes with an intense and piercing stare. "And I've decided to take her in, so what now?" "But this mistake is unforgivable, Titan!" Simon was stuttering, feeling enraged but defeated. He knew in his mind that no matter how many times he would try to bend Titan's decisions, he can't. Titan was that stubborn and adamant. Yet, he wanted to give it a try. "Why would you make this simple mistake a big deal, Simon? This project isn't even a match to my $400 million dollar race track project years ago, yet you weren't being dramatic," Titan paused and stared at his best friend's eyes, "Is there something else I should know about?" That made Simon silent. He thought, yeah, Titan was right. He started this idea of having Stephanie on board. But then, he has a big concern in mind. And Stephanie's error has troubled him a lot. He wanted to tell Titan more about the project, as he was watching Titan heading back to his desk and sitting on his swivel chair without even waiting for him to reply. But then, Helga interrupted just as when he was about to talk. "Shouldn't you say hi to your sister, too?" She walked toward Titan's desk, bending his arms. "What for?" Titan answered. Her hands pressed on her elbows. Her head was tilted, and her eyes widened, seemingly shocked by how he acted. When Stephanie heard the woman's revelation, her eyes widened, looking surprised. She flinched when Helga turned her head and scanned her with the same Sandoval stare, from head to foot. Without saying a word, Helga turned her head once more and looked into her brother's face. "Who's she? Is she your dom or what, Titan?" Titan did the same and gazed at Stephanie, looking anxious. "What the hell are you talking about, Helga?" Worried, his chest suddenly felt tight as he threaded his fingers. "What's with that collar then?" He felt compelled to rationalize his relationship with Stephanie. He gulped, thinking. In his mind, he knew he was his intern. Yet, in his heart, she was something else. He looked at Helga with confidence in his eyes. "It's a gift for me," he said while casting a glance at Stephanie before he landed a piercing gaze at his sister. "Oh, I see. From whom?" "It's none of your business." "Anyway, who's she then?" Titan looked at Stephanie, and it didn't take long before they exchanged gazes. "My intern." "So, you're the one Simon was talking about." Helga's face widened as she walked toward Stephanie, reaching out her hand to shake hands. Stephanie was frozen seeing the woman approaching her, given the scene she had caused earlier. But, she felt compelled to raise her arm and shake the woman's hand. "I'm Helga Sandoval. I'm Titan's elder sister," she said with a smile on her face, leaving Stephanie feeling a little bit awkward. Didn't she witness what just happened? Why was she seemed unaffected by Simon's outrage? Given she was also a Sandoval, she could have also been pissed about the mistake, too. But it wasn't the case, Stephanie guessed. "I'm Stephanie Reyes," Stephanie replied shyly in answer. As they exchanged gazes, she looked at Helga's face and noticed that she didn't have the same sunset-colored eyes as Titan. She has a pair of latte-colored eyes instead. That made Stephanie wonder. "I know it's a bit awkward right now, but it's nice to meet you, Stephanie." Helga released her hand and walked back in Titan's direction. "Anyway, uh, I'm here to tell you to talk to Mr. Sandoval in private." Then, she turned in Simon and Stephanie's direction. "I want to speak with him alone. Thank you," she said politely. As if she has a strong command of Simon, it didn't take long for her to convince him to turn first as he exited Titan's office, slamming the door shut. Stephanie followed, looking down, and carefully closing the door, leaving the two siblings alone in the office. When they left, Helga cleared her throat and looked at Titan's eyes. "I'm here to tell you that dad wants me to personally oversee the Art Gallery's construction development. And after what I've seen and heard about what that woman had done —" "That woman, you mean my intern?" Titan interrupted her while raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm talking about that woman I've just met, Stephanie Reyes." When he heard it, his eyebrows knitted and his face flushed in anger. "Why would dad want you to babysit me again?" He uttered the word "babysit" with emphasis and a bit more sarcasm. She leaned her torso as soon as pressed her hand on the glass surface of Titan's nameplate. She looked down and read the engraved letters before she pulled her face up and looked at him, seemingly irritated. "Maybe, I need to remind you of what happened ten years ago." That made Titan's chest feel constricted. He was glowering, feeling his chest throbbing louder than before. He let out an exasperated sigh while placing his hands on his waist. "Why do you always have to bring it up, Helga?" he sputtered and hissed as he turned back to face the windows. "You don't know how much misery it has caused me." He hissed. She approached him and stood closer to him, adjacent to his table. Her eyes turned bloodshot and teary, and her lips started trembling. "That tragedy wouldn't have happened if you only had listened to dad," she paused and looked away, as she struggled to muster enough courage to say what she wanted to say, "but you didn't. Because of you, many people suffered." "How dare you point fingers at me when it wasn't me at all?" "How could you say so when you're the person in charge? It happened in your name, so you take responsibility for what happened." Titan shook his head. "No, it wasn't me." "If it weren't for your selfishness, dad wouldn't have to do the impossible for a scumbag like you. And now, he's getting old. He wants you to repay him by making sure that this Art Gallery project should proceed without mistakes. The sooner it's finished, the better." "What's the big deal about this Art Gallery? Is there something I should know about it?" Titan sputtered, demanding Helga to tell him more about this project. He couldn't understand why the people whom he closely associated with have their eyes on the least expensive project, which he could easily set aside to prioritize the bigger and far more profitable ones. Then, she looked at him with anger in her eyes. "It's something you'll never understand, Titan." "I'm the boss here. Even if you're Helga Sandoval, the daughter of Damian Sandoval, heiress of The Sandoval Group's wealth and fortune, I demand your answer right here and now," he said in a louder tone. "Fine. The Art Gallery may seem less attractive to someone like you, but it is for me." Her tears continued to crawl down upon her face, which caught Titan's attention. "It's what dad wants for me to have, and it's not up to you to decide to pursue it or not." "I'm the CEO, and I'm the decision of this company. So, how dare you say those words to me when you're not truly concerned about the old man?" "What are you talking about?" She gulped. Her eyes widened. "I may never know the reason for this stupid project you have, my dear sister, but it's my prerogative to know where and to where my money comes and goes." But then, she said something that sparked the fire of rage that has been boiling inside of him. "I am part of the board, so I have the right to enjoy the same rights and the say as you do for this company." "What for?" Titan's voice became louder this time. His breathing was heavier. He felt that his chest constricted than before. "Who are you to demand, Helga?" "Even if you won't be nice to me any longer, I'm still your sister." "My sister was gone when she left me here alone!" Titan screamed which made Helga flinch. "When you only listened to that old man and not me, I lost my sister... for good." His eyes started to tear up, turning bloodshot. His body was shaking, enraged. Helga's eyes widened as her tears started to crawl down her face. "Is that so? It sounds like you won't likely forgive me after all these years." Her hands gripped the handbag tighter than before in an attempt to calm herself down. "How could I forgive you? You've done all the dirty work for the old man. For what? His approval?" "It's easy for you to say it when you're the favorite son." But then, when she felt her face was damped by her tears, she flicked her head and wiped her tears with her fingers. After she fixed herself when Titan was calming down. She gulped as she said, "Despite what happened, you can't avoid the past no matter how many times you try to run away from it, Titan. The time will come that you might have to face it fearlessly. You can't continue hiding with this forever." She almost stuttered as the emotional outburst has become unbearable. "I may have betrayed your trust, but you will later understand why that Art Gallery must be accomplished." "I don't care." Titan's eyes remained at the distance, avoiding Helga's gaze. He sat on his chair and resumed working, ignoring Helga until she turned around and said, "I've already talked to the board, and dad wanted this to finish sooner. Whether you like it or not, I'll be here to make sure you won't fail dad again. Definitely, not on his deathbed." She then got up and departed, leaving Titan in his office alone himself. He nearly jumped out of his chair when he was by himself and ran over to the mirrors. He discovered himself sobbing while gazing at the cat collar. He was so angry that he was almost shaking. He continued to have bloodshot eyes as he squeezed his lips together and stared at himself in the mirror, remembering the emotions he had experienced when Stephanie had put the collar on him. What was he thinking?
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