Chapter 7

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Stephanie's eyes widened as she scanned the area. Despite the fact that the space immediately seemed familiar to her, she realized she was out of place. The wallpaper with purple flowers was applied to the wall. Every corner that could be seen was surrounded by Gothic-patterned gold molding. She tugged the heavy blanket sheet covering her up, wondering if she was in Titan's place. She tilted her head, her eyes widening, and she peered around, confused. What happened the night before? She felt her chest getting a little pinched when she thought of it first. Stephanie raised the blankets a little bit, convinced that something concerning her boss had occurred the previous evening, only to discover that she was still wearing yesterday's attire. Nothing took place. She let out a giggle, flushing, feeling embarrassed. "You look too average to be my future wife," Stephanie muttered, pushing her back against the soft sheets and tossing and turning. "But I don't care. As long as I could sleep in a nice bed like this," she said she kept pressing herself on the soft pillows, stretching her lips, humming, and closing her eyes. With a stone rock bed fashioned from a piece of mat and inexpensive blankets, she has never had a good night's sleep in her old house. The pressure she experienced as an intern made things worse. She enjoyed the smoothness of her bed as she spread her arms and legs widely while grinning broadly. It seemed that her never-ending introvert bubble burst after a while when she began to remember the last few chats she had with him before falling asleep. Well, then, whether you like it or not, live with me. Stephanie jumped from the bed, feeling both relieved and concerned. She crossed her arms and paced back and forth as she stood there looking down at the ground. She was considering more actions she could take to reject Titan's offer. She was unable to do that, though. Frustrated, she jumped off the bed, scratching her head. "You're f****d, Stephanie," she whispered to herself. Stephanie snuck out, intrigued as she was, and went to Titan's room. As she dragged herself to his bedroom, she made an effort to remain as silent as she could. She flung open the door just enough to peek inside and discovered Titan dozing. She got a good look at him as she pushed against the surface of the door and drew herself closer. Titan's fair skin sparkled as the morning sun kissed his face. She began inspecting every inch of him. She hadn't yet noticed him being as calm and adorable as he was. It wasn't the look she was watching. The Titan Sandoval she knew was someplace else. He was posturing like a ballerina performing on stage with both of his arms outstretched and put up against his ears. His right leg was exposed and bent inside of his blanket. The other one stood motionless and straight. Titan continued to snore softly while keeping his mouth slightly open. Half of his face was hidden by his messy hair. She wasn't used to seeing that expression the majority of the time. Everyone who knew who he was saw Titan Sandoval, who is well-known for being the third generation heir to The Sandoval Group and was born into a powerful family. He had a reputation for making bold choices in the real estate industry. Not to mention being aggressive. Titan Sandoval has always had a strong will and been fierce. For her, he has always struck her as a snooty, angry-looking cat. Yet, they were unaware that this man's formidable and dominant exterior concealed a sweet little kitty-cat and a fragile human underneath. She kept staring at him and couldn't blame him for having to maintain the façade his family had constructed over the years. Stephanie began recalling the kind gestures Titan gave her yesterday. She instantly had the impression that the only thing she had done for him was to accept the double sum he had promised that evening and for the car accident. They were nothing against what her "obnoxious" boss gave in return. That didn't feel right for her. Why would a businessman like him suddenly invest in something that would not yield a return? Knowing Titan's decisions, he was constantly looking to make money. In one of the meetings Stephanie had attended, she recalled that it was always his first concern. How could she forget the day she met him for the first time in the elevator? As she watched him from a distance, she was unable to understand the contradiction in this man. Who could possibly not think sleeping cats adorable? She thought. However, her mind had a hard time accepting that someone like Titan Sandoval, who was adept at scaring people away, was also an unquestionably kind, warm, and caring man below his extremely terrifying exterior. Stephanie turned and closed the door as slowly as she could while raising her shoulders and pursing her lips in satisfaction at what she had seen. When everything was finished, she dragged herself to the kitchen and turned to look there. She began brewing hot coffee while opening each cupboard to see what else Titan had in his pantry in addition to black coffee. Stephanie let out a frustrated sigh and felt a little let down when she saw that, despite Titan's affluence, he just had a few basic goods typical of homes where no one else knew how to cook. Titan had nothing else but a tray of eggs, a half loaf of bread, some old cheese, a few spices, a bottle of frying oil, and a bottle of soy sauce. She walked up to the trash can and saw that it was stuffed with delivery boxes for fast food. Stephanie was curious about his nutrition after hearing him cluck because he was also a cat. And for them to live longer and be healthier, cats require the right nutrients. He needed to be in good enough shape to have the time to discover the solutions she needed. In this instance, he shouldn't carry on living the same way he had demonstrated through his kitchenware. She had that notion as she stared intently towards Titan's bedroom. She crossed her arms, scowled, and flicked her head dismissively. She was compelled to assist the young man despite her best efforts to resist the idea. He was, after all, her cat now. And she was paid for doing that. Therefore, she must do her duties even though it appears that the extra work had nothing to do with her internship. She was sure she had to repay him after everything he had done for her, even giving up a room in his house. She began to notice that Titan's abode was not even cat-friendly as she raised her face to eye level. Realizing that perhaps he was the only person dealing with this witchcraft smacked her in the gut. How did he manage to get through it on his own? She recalled how terrified Titan was that night when he changed into a cat in front of her, shivering, and his eyes enlarging. She remembered how he sounded counting as he became more and more anxious just before he shifted, and her chest tightened. She also remembered Simon's prior admission. Titan has never told anyone what happened that night, despite the fact that they were best friends. As Stephanie surveyed, the living room, kitchen, and dining area were all spread out over a big area. Despite being somewhat artistic, it was too simple and monotonous for pets. Nothing to play with was available. There were no pet toys or cat cushions lying around. She pondered how Titan had been carrying out his curse for the past ten years the more she looked about and observed his home. That piqued her interest even more. Stephanie, meantime, ignored Titan's situation and tried to imagine how her former cat with the same name had lived when it was alive a few years ago. It was rough. And at that time, she was young and couldn't do anything. Fearing she would be facing the same outcome, she had no doubt that Titan needed her. She put her hands on her waist and chuckled while shaking her head. "I guess that's how internship works for Sir Titan," Stephanie assumed, whispering. She thought, she has to do something. Besides, it's still part of her job... as an intern, right? Overtime? Despite her reservations, she groaned, moved toward the kitchen, and began preparing them breakfast. She started scrambling the remaining eggs left on the tray and continued chopping the remaining spices in his pantry while she heated the oil on the pot. They were diced and added to the saucepan. Titan was awakened by the audible sizzles. Food. His eyes widened. He forced himself out of bed and leaped out to see Stephanie in the kitchen when he came. Titan discovered himself staring at her from a distance before moving toward her. He cleared his throat. "What the hell you're doing?" Titan, who was sitting on the stools beneath the counter, questioned while trying to maintain his composure. He was looking at Stephanie as she was preparing dinner. When Stephanie observed him acting in this way, she winced and her eyes grew wide. Titan looked messed up as he has just gotten out of bed. She smiled when she turned and continued sauteing, "I'm cooking our breakfast." She glanced at him and continued, "If you like to have coffee, it's already been ready on the coffee maker." "Thank you." Titan nodded, still surprised by Stephanie's actions, as he approached the cabinet, grabbed a cup and went to the coffee maker. "You're welcome," she said as she pulled her face up and looked at him. "How's your foot--" He glanced at her while standing close to the coffee machine. He froze as he realized Stephanie was already staring at him. Before returning to his seat, he flicked his head and looked away as he suddenly recalled what he had been doing the night before. He flushed. Titan blinked and turned back to his seat to watch her delicately place the omelet on the plate. "My foot's fine, she said. As it contacted the ceramic surface, it was still steaming from being newly fried. His eyes widened as he assumed Stephanie had just used the ingredients he had in his kitchen to make such a vibrant and delicious omelet. With two hands, she took hold of it and brought it closer to him. She turned and retrieved additional dishes, each with a cup of rice. With a smile, she said, "Let's eat." Without saying a word, Titan nodded in response as he grabbed the utensils to start eating. With the first bite, his eyes widened once more, surprised at the taste of Stephanie's omelet. "You didn't put something else in here, did you?" "Eh? No." Stephanie shook her head. "I only used what you have in your kitchen. How do you like it, sir?" She looked at him while her face started to flush, feeling anxious about what Titan would say about her cooking. He looked at her and noticed her worried face. He smiled. "I like it," he uttered and quickly looked down while he was chewing his food. It didn't take her long to start feeling butterflies in her stomach after hearing those remarks. Titan kept eating until his mouth was somewhat full. He made an effort to maintain his composure, while Stephanie was staring at him, and turned his attention to the food. She appreciated Titan's remark and kept eating despite the fact that she didn't understand why it seemed flattering. But something made her pause. Titan flicked his head and saw Stephanie has stopped eating. "Is something the matter?" She let out an exasperated sigh, looking down and clucking. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Big Mama." His eyebrows were furrowed as he winced, tilting his head in confusion. "Big Mama?" When Stephanie realized she had accidentally let the interns' secret out, she winced. She put both of her hands over her lips. Her worried gaze widened. Anyway, she has just revealed it. She gave up the idea of defending herself. So, she shrugged in defeat and looked at him. "Ms. Gonzales." He almost chuckled as he snorted. "Why would you be worried about her?" "You know, I had to make excuses for not doing my job for your sake." He had an unexpected gut punch. Stephanie had a point, though. Because of him, she was getting into trouble. He looked down and asked, feeling guilty as he scooped his meal. "What do you think she will do to you?" Stephanie frowned. Her eyebrows knitted. "She would kill me." She rolled her eyes and scooped the food into her mouth. "Why do you think she'll do that?" "Sir Titan, come on. I ran into you the other night and couldn't turn in the report in time. Then, yesterday, when I had to work on it, I had to give an explanation because you changed into a cat. Of course, she would be angry with me because she needed the report submitted on time," she sputtered. Her face was flushing as she let out a loud, irritated sigh. "It was supposed to be a simple, stupid job, yet, I still couldn't do it right. Sucks." After listening to Stephanie, Titan remained unaffected as he continued eating. Yet, without her knowing, he already has something interesting planned in mind. *** That morning, Stephanie received a call to come to Ms. Gonzales' office. She looked down, fearing the repercussions, and cast a quick glance at the other interns who were standing next to her. And they were worried about her. But they're too scared to defend Stephanie in front of Big Mama. All they could do is make a fist bump in the air and whisper, "Fighting" or "Don't mind it too much, Stephanie." Stephanie frowned, knowing that she would have a "nice day." She was standing in front of her supervisor's table, threading her fingers. "Look at what you've done, Stephanie!" Ms. Gonzales's eyes widened, glowering, looking frantic. As she turned to face Stephanie, she grabbed the folders on her table and slapped them on her. "I've never been so humiliated in my professional life, in my years of working for The Sandoval Group until you came along." "I'm sorry, Ms. Gonzales." "Sorry?" She pulled herself to Stephanie and pointed her index finger at her. "In the last thirty days, you've been under supervision. There was never an intern who did this to me until I have you, Ms. Stephanie Reyes." "I'm truly sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to leave the office the whole day...without...any reason." Stephanie almost stuttered, tilting her head and avoiding the piercing gaze, while trying to explain the events to Ms. Gonzales. However, the stocky woman's eyes widened in anger. Her face was flushed in an attempt to refuse to hit her with the folder she has on hand. "Do you have any idea how outrageous your mistake was?" Stephanie shook her head. "No, ma'am." "I was summoned upstairs and made to sit in front of Mr. Sandoval and the board due to your tardiness in submitting the report the other day and your absence yesterday," she paused as her eyes have turned bloodshot and teary, "In the years I spent working for this company, I never once had to experience that kind of treatment." That had Stephanie thinking. She wondered what Titan might have told her that made her so angry and felt so humiliated. "What did the CEO tell you?" "What do you think, Stephanie?" Ms. Gonzales sputtered. "Do you believe I was being praised in a flattering way? No! Being on the hot seat in front of the senior executives was humiliating until you," she paused and hit Stephanie with the folders she has on hand and hit her once more. Stephanie raised her arms in defense. Ms. Gonzales continued, "You arrived and started working here. You weren't supposed to come here. You and I shouldn't have collaborated. You have ruined my reputation within this organization. Stephanie Reyes, you destroyed me!" Ms. Gonzales drew herself up as she prepared to strike Stephanie a final time when she noticed Titan snatching the folders away. His arm was raised to protect himself from being struck as his gaze darkened. He c****d an eyebrow as he grabbed one of the folders from Ms. Gonzales and sighed in frustration. His hands were on his waist. The other folders fell on the floor. The sheets were scattered on the floor. While Stephanie was standing behind her boss, the other interns were keeping an eye on her. "Are you okay, Steph?" one of them asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said in a whisper, checking her bruised arms. What she was more worried about was the fate of two interesting people in front of her. What will happen to Ms. Gonzalez? How will this i***t decide on her fate in this company? "What do you think you're doing, Ms. Gonzales?" Titan asked in a loud, cold baritone that the staff outside the office paused from what they were doing. Simon was observing what was happening at the door frame when Stephanie turned her head to look at him. Then, she peered through Titan to see Ms. Gonzales stuck in place as she turned to face Titan's back. "Mr. Sandoval, I--" Big Mama moved a short distance toward Titan while raising her arms in submission. Her brows were creased, and her eyes were hazy. She was trembling from terror. "I have heard and seen enough of you, Ms. Gonzales," Titan interjected, glowering. His eyes widened, revealing his sunset-colored eyes. Stephanie thought about that gaze. That recognizable Titan was noted for being piercingly angry and menacing. And this time, he was furious. The more Ms. Gonzales tried to articulate herself, the more defeated she felt. She swallowed and glanced at him, not caring how humiliating the situation was for her. She straightened herself, pulled her parched lips together, and attempted to relax. She worked up the confidence to lift her head and turn to face him. "Mr. Sandoval, I've been with this company longer than you have. Since your father ran the business, I have been employed here. I have spent more time here than with my children during my whole adult life. For the benefit of our business and The Sandoval Group, I gave my life. And this is only the first error I've ever made. I apologize for this mistake." Stephanie put her palms against her chest as she started to sob slowly. She got to her feet and peered at Titan's back, wondering and fretting about what he might say next. Titan flicked his head. "You'll stay here, Ms. Gonzales. But..." he paused and looked at Stephanie, grabbing her hand behind, leaving Stephanie, Simon, and the interns surprised. He pulled me to stand closer to him which made their eyes widen. "I'll take Ms. Stephanie Reyes with me. She'll be working for me as my new intern." Ms. Gonzales' eyes also widened, and she struggled to gather her thoughts. She arched her eyebrows in surprise at the sudden turn of events, acting as though Titan wouldn't make that choice. She thought what he did just now was odd. Despite her wandering mind, she nodded. "Yes, Mr. Sandoval. Thank you," she almost stuttered in response. "Starting today, I'll be her new supervisor. She'll train under my wing. Got that?" "Yes, Mr. Sandoval. I understand." Ms. Gonzales was frantic about hearing the news. "Thank you." Titan, who was still in shock over what had happened, turned his head to gaze at Stephanie. Instead of saying a word, he arched his eyebrows and cracked a small smile. Stephanie scoffed, still flabbergasted about what he just did. Titan snatched Stephanie's hand and hurried out before she could respond, passing everyone, even Simon. As Ms. Gonzales watched Titan and Stephanie leave her office, she shook with relief at having to keep her job. She placed her palm against her desk while leaning her buttocks against it. Her legs shook and grew weaker. After everyone had left, Ms. Gonzales began to cry as she stared at the old photograph of her estranged family. Her husband and two children. A boy and a girl. It was on display behind her desk and was placed behind her on a shelf. Tears continued to dampen her face as she continued looking at them. "Thank you so much, Sir Titan." She grabbed a handkerchief and wiped her tears. "Thank you." She stood up while sighing softly out of frustration as she dragged herself up and stared out her windows in an effort to relax. She cleared her throat, grinned in appreciation, and then shook her head in shame at what she had just done. She blinked, nodded, and turned to face her desk, returning to her work as if nothing had happened.
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