Chapter 5

1079 Words

5 In the attic, she ignored the old four-poster bed with its handmade plaid quilt, and crouched next to the boxes that Will had hauled out of storage for her. For days, she’d been delaying this moment. All of her former possessions were in these boxes—most of her clothes, her cross-country trophies, her old posters and drawings and, most importantly, her journals. She’d always kept journals, and she’d always locked them away from her nosy brothers. When she’d left with Mom, Will had packed them all into a lockbox in a storage unit, along with everything else they’d left behind. It was the kind of thoughtful thing Will would do. He knew how much her privacy meant to her, and how painful it would be if someone unauthorized read her journals. Taking a deep breath, she dug out the lockbox o

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