Chapter 9

1533 Words

9 The tour of Jupiter Point shifted things with Cassie, Kevin noticed. After that, she treated him like another one of her many brothers. Sometimes exasperated, sometimes amused, but never flirtatious. The heat between them still simmered under the surface, but it didn’t burst into the open the way it almost had at Barstow’s. Which, of course, was for the best. Something of which Kevin reminded himself several times a day. Being buddies with Cassie was pretty good too. He cleared off half the workbench so she could have space for her tools. Then he added a “Welcome to Your New Home” banner, adorned with images of smiling baby faces and rattles and baby bottles. She laughed when she saw it. The next day when he came in, he was greeted with a bunch of silver balloons in the shape of air

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