“Oh, no.” The plates rattled in Edward’s hands, but he managed to keep them upright. “What? You’re doing fine.” This came from his trainer, Marion, an older plumpish woman with short dark red hair and a ready smile. She had explained to him that she preferred the morning shifts as her grandkids were in school and she could pick them up for her daughter in the afternoons. “No. It’s, the guy at table four.” Marion looked. Grinned. “Oh, he’s a cutie.” “Yeah and—” “What? Do the cute ones make you nervous? Don’t worry, Edward. You’re a natural at this. You got this. I already plan on telling the guys how well you’re doing.” Edward paused to take that in and give his trainer an appreciative smile. “Thanks. But, no. I know that guy.” “Yeah? Well, that’s fine. It’ll be okay. Put those in th