4. Patrick

2030 Words

4 Patrick Fuck, I’m going to hell for this. Morgan moved forward until our bodies fit together like a seam. Soft and supple met hard and solid. It was temptation at its finest. The serpent’s apple dangling from a thread. And I didn’t think I could turn back. Something had come over me. The thought of Morgan had never crossed my mind. Then, Thomas had put that thought in my head, and everything had shifted. Once it was there, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I couldn’t stop seeing her as this gorgeous, restrained woman who had literally been standing right there all this time. I wanted to lean in. I wanted to give in to this. I wanted it f*****g desperately. She was here. I’d invited her over. She was offering herself to me. It would be so easy. So goddamn easy. I just had to close

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